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Natsu's POV

I woke up and had a shower. I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. Fat, ugly, selfish, annoying, weird, disgusting. I sighed and went downstairs. Only Gajeel was down there so I went into the fridge. (Not literally, imagine tho 😂😂) I looked at all the food and sighed. They're all gonna make me fat. I saw Gajeel come towards me and he put his arms over my head. He grabbed himself some food and ate it. I closed the fridge and he raised an eyebrow.

I looked in all the cabinets but there was no food that would keep me skinny. Gajeel cleared his throat which made me look at him. He threw an apple at me and I caught it. He pointed at a seat so I sat down on it. "Eat it." He ordered and I looked at him. "You gonna just stare?" He asked and I looked away. I stared at the apple instead and it made me feel sad. Why was an apple making me sad?

I heard footsteps coming towards us but I didn't bother to look up. I realised who it was by their scent, it was Mirajane. She sat next to me so I looked up and saw her smiling as usual. "I think you should eat that." She said and I sighed.

I just had a Corona test, I kept thinking of Natsu doing it 😂😂

I looked at the apple and sighed. I bit into it and chewed it. I looked at Mira and she was smiling at me. I swallowed the part I had in my mouth and rested my chin on the table. I heard footsteps coming downstairs and I looked up to see Erza coming downstairs with Wendy and Carla. I could tell that Erza felt sick. She sat down and Wendy sat next to her. Happy came downstairs so Carla just flew over to him. After a while everyone was downstairs apart from Ash who was chilling out upstairs and Gray who was still sleeping for some reason.

For anyone who was wondering, my test was negative! I am Gucci! Not literally 😂😂

After a couple of minutes I heard Gray crying. Only the dragon slayers could hear it and I didn't know if the other two had heard him or not. I couldn't just leave the table without saying anything. I also feel dizzy so I'd probably faint if I got up. Gajeel looked at me and he seemed to have noticed as he got up. He picked me up and we ran upstairs with Happy following us. We went into my room and I ran into the bathroom to see Gray crying. He looked at me and sighed. He got up and I raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he looked mad. Did I do something wrong? He pushed me out of the way which actually made me fall but Gajeel managed to catch me. I could see the worry in Gray's eyes but he just acted as if he didn't care. I felt really weak and I tried to keep my eyes open. I felt Gajeel's panic and saw Gray turn around. I tried to get out of Gajeel's grip and he let me go.

"Are you okay?" I asked and Gray looked down. I raised an eyebrow and he sighed. "I'll tell you later." He said and walked out. I looked at Gajeel and he caught me when I fell over. "You alright?" He whisper-asked and I shook my head. "D-Did I do something to upset him?" I asked weakly. "No, he's probably just upset about nothing." "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded his head. Gajeel let go of me so I watched where Gray was going. He was in the downstairs bathroom and I sighed, knowing that I couldn't make it down there.

I saw Gajeel walk out of the room so I got my phone out and turned it on. I felt really lightheaded so I sat on my knees. I went onto Gray's chat and started texting him but then I realised that his phone was in the room as I had heard it ping. My door made a creaking noise so I looked at it and saw Luna running in. I got up a bit too fast and stood still as everything was going dark. I panicked and heard Luna barking. I heard footsteps coming upstairs and then all I saw was darkness.

Gray's POV

I was sat in the downstairs bathroom when I heard Luna barking. I opened the door and left it open. Gajeel shut it and said: "Rude." I ran up the stairs and when I got into my room I saw Natsu on the floor. I rushed to his side and poked him. I shaked his shoulders really gently as he was extremely weak and I saw him open his eyes which caused me to sigh of relief. He sat up and looked around. He wiped his eyes and sighed.

"What happened?" He asked in a tired way. "I don't know, Luna started barking and when I got in here I saw you on the floor." I said and he nodded his head. He got up and sat on the bed. He layed down and fell asleep. I was getting really worried about him but I have my own problems at the moment. I decided to go to sleep and I closed the door. I layed on the bed and pulled him close to me. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

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