percy jackson + the future

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Clay lazily picked up the book again and sighed as he saw the look on George's face. He got up from his spot and walked closer to George. He stopped in front of him and extended his arm towards George handing him the book.

"My favorite book. I remember reading it to you so you would fall asleep at the party." Clay said.

"I remember, your voice was so calming and it still is." George said, trying to smile.

Clay hastily took his hand and placed it on George's cheek, hesitating a bit. George moved into his hand and Clay sighed in relief.

"I can't lie anymore." George said, placing his palm on his face in frustration.

"What do you mean?" Clay asked, taking his hand back away from George's face.

"I told my mom. About me. About us. Everything." George said, sliding down the wall and pulling his knees to his chest.

Clay sighed and knelt down to George and he grabbed George's hand and held it gently.

"George, listen to me." Clay asked him.

George's head tilted up to meet Clay's.

"I told my friends." Clay said, his breath shaky.

"And?" George asked, drawing in closer.

"They said that they support and that I shouldn't have been scared to tell them." Clay said, a smile growing on Clay's perfect face.

"That's great, I'm so proud of you." George said and smiled at him.

A couple of minutes passed and the two were now sitting cross-legged across from each other just talking about random things, during their talk the tension gets awkward as George scoots closer to Clay intentionally.

"You know we graduate this year?" George asked Clay, his head was now on Clay's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm scared. What if the college I want doesn't wan t to accept me?" Clay asked him.

"They will, trust me." George said, reassuring him.

"Are you going to college?" Clay asked George, looking down to the boy.

A silence fills the room and George hesitated before saying, "I don't know."

"What's holding you back?" Clay inquired.

"I don't want us to be apart, if I try to get into a college that you go to, there's no way that I'll be able to get in." George said, sighing deeply.

"George, listen to me please." Clay said, placing his hands gently on George's shoulder making it so George had to have eye contact with him.

"You have the grades for it and if you ace the SAT's which you probably will, you have such a good fucking chance of getting in." Clay said.

"I'm just- skeptical, that's all." George said, inching farther away from Clay.

"Maybe I could help you with your application?" Clay asked him.

"Actually that would be really nice of you to help with. I don't know what UF even wants from applicants." George said, slowly giving up.

"Florida University is a really good school and I would love for you to be there with me." Clay said, his voice quieter than it's been today.

"You would?" George asked him, inching closer to him.

"Yeah, I would." Clay said, smiling.

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