girly things + lost

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For that decision, George listened to his heart.

You may ask yourself, what decision was that for? What exactly did the note say?

Clay sat up in his bedroom after George had told him that he should come out as bisexual for a while. He pondered on his options. He could come out and possibly lose his friends or he could stay fake and keep all his friends. If he came out, he would be with George possibly.

"Clay?" Grace asked him outside his door. (using a fake name for Drista.)

"Yes?" Clay asked turning to face his younger sister.

"Are you okay? You have been in your room for hours..." She asked him, a look of concern wrinkled into her premature face.

"Not really, Grace. It's complicated." Clay said to her, sighing.

"Girl Problems?" Grace asked him, leaning on the wall next to his door.

"Not really. um..." Clay said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"...Boy problems?" She asked after a long period of silence.

"Yeah..." Clay said, laughing nervously.

"Have you told mom?" Grace asked, sitting on Clay's bed.

"No, she wouldn't be supportive anyway." Clay said, avoiding eye contact with his sister.

"You really should..." Grace muttered and she left the room, closing the door to leave her brother alone with his thoughts.

Clay sighed as he buried his head in his hands as he thought of George again. He didn't want to lose him. That was the only thing keeping Clay sane at that moment. Clay grabbed a piece of paper out of the drawer of his desk and he started to write a note for George.

Meet me under the stairs, please?

He signed his name with green ink, his signature. He always used green pens to write letters and shit. The only thing he used a pencil for was drawing and doing school assignments like homework and in-class work. He never used a pen on those due to being scared that he would mess up and wouldn't be able to erase his work and try again.

Clay folded the notebook paper in a tinier note and he stuffed it in his backpack. He zipped up his backpack and flipped down on his bed, wanting to cry again. He groaned as he felt the now familiar feel of tears starting to stream down his lightly coated pink cheeks.

George folded the note back in his pocket and he walked to his locker and realized that he had already been to his locker before he talked to Clay, he hated the way Clay made him forget shit like that. George had one of his hands hanging limply on his side and the other one holding onto the strap of his backpack, he looked girly and he didn't care.

George had always been into girly things. Whenever his family was at Walmart and his mom let him and his step-sisters get toys, the girls would get barbies and George you would think would get a car or an action figure. George always grabbed the barbie though. He would spend hours down in his step-sisters' play room, constantly changing doll's outfits and making them a big happy family.

George grabbed the door handle to the familiar room under the stairs of the highschool and he noticed the light was on. He walked in and he noticed Clay in the corner of the room. He was sitting in a cross-legged position and he had a book balanced in his lap while his eyes were tracing the words, trying to grasp the concept of the book. He was failing, George could tell because his eyes would constantly close in frustration and return to the same page.

Clay was stressed because of George.

George was about to leave the room when he heard a book slam in the corner of the room. George turned to Clay and he could finally tell what Clay had been reading. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Clay's favorite book. He had remembered Clay telling him that when George was half-asleep and half-awake, George couldn't tell if Clay was fully awake but George didn't care in that moment because it was so quiet and the world seemed to revolve around them in that specific moment and it felt warm and it felt like home to George.

Now it was like George had no home, it was like he was lost looking for his home again.

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