mondays + apologies

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Monday. Mornings always have been George's favorite time of the day. But not today. This morning was dreaded. He didn't want to go to school and be in the same building as Clay. It was something he would rather trade something for. He used to love seeing the dirty blonde haired boy in the halls even if it was just a small smile or wink towards him, he always felt butterflies towards Clay.

Now they were almost gone.

It was like they had disappeared and only come back for a short period of time before leaving again. It comes at the times when George doesn't want them. It's a sign but George never took the sign in a positive way.

"George? You okay?" Tommy asked George, watching as the boy stared towards Clay.

"Yeah, sorry. Just wondering who the boy next to Clay is." George lied but he also was curious.

"That's Nick, he likes to be called Sapnap for some reason. I call him Nick just to annoy him." Tubbo said, smiling.

"You're friends with him?" George asked him.

"Yeah, he's really nice and funny. You'd get along with him." Tubbo said, placing one of his hands on his hips as Tommy and George turned back to face Tubbo.

"How was your guy's weekends?" Tommy asked.

"Stayed at home." George said, playing with the threads of his blue sweater.

"You could've asked to come over, George." Tommy said to him, placing an arm around him.

"Thanks but I was okay being alone." George proclaimed.

"Can I talk to you?" Tommy asked George.

"Yeah." George said.

Tommy grabbed George by the arm and pulled him away from Tubbo and around the corner and they huddled against a wall.

"Is there something between you and Clay?" Tommy asked George, crossing his arms across his chest.

George sighed and responded with, "Yes."

"I knew it. What happened?" Tommy asked, placing a encouraging hand on George's shoulder.

"He doesn't want our relationship to be public, he just wanted us to be private." George said, placing his face in his hands and groaning.

He sighed as he felt the familiar tears prickle up in his eyes. He slid down the wall and started to cry. He felt Tommy sit down beside him and lay his head on George's shoulder.

"Maybe you should give him time? He's just not ready." Tommy responded, his tone quiet.

"I'll try." George said and got up.


George hadn't always been the smartest of the bunch. He normally was the one in math class that would spend 20 minutes on just one question. It wasn't that he didn't understand the material, he did, he just had a slower mind than everybody else. It worked slower than everybody else's and that was something that made George be held back in the sixth grade. He was so angry that he had to stay back when all of his friends were moving onto seventh grade.

His friends that he had in sixth grade didn't care about him. His whole life he had a problem making friends and keeping them. He was a loud character and he was very energetic in elementary and middle school. He finally realized that nobody liked him because of his personality, so he can changed. Even though he liked his personality, he knew that if he wanted to survive high-school he needed to get more quiet and not be as loud and chaotic.

"George?" Clay asked him.

George snapped out of his trance and turned around to see Clay standing in front of him with a folded up note in his hand.

"Yes, Clay?" George asked him, folding his arms in front of his chest.

"Uhm, I just want to say I'm sorry about everything and I hope that we can atleast be on good terms." Clay said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I accept your apology but we can't be friends. You have your football friends and I have my friends. It just doesn't work out, Clay." George said, trying to sound calm.

George was not calm during that moment. Inside he was screaming no. Over and over. His mind was telling him to say that but his heart was saying something way different. He just didn't know which part of himself to listen to. He winced as he saw Clay's hurt expression on his face. Clay looked down and he held out his hand which had the note placed neatly in the palm of it.

"Please." Clay mumbled.

George sighed as he looked at the note and wondered if he should take it. His mind said no but his heart said yes, this time he listened to his heart. He grabbed the note out of Clay's sweaty hand and opened it as he looked up to where Clay was standing but he wasn't there anymore. He read over the note several times before making a decision.

For that decision, he listened to his heart.

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