boyfriends + minecraft

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When George woke up that morning, he felt happy. Whole. Also very warm. His room normally wasn't warm in the morning but it was that morning apparently. He tried to turn over to grab his phone off of his bedside table but he was stopped by a force next to him. When he finally opened his eyes, he realized that he had slept with Clay. Just slept with him, didn't have sex with him or anything.

"Clay?" George asked him, whispering.

"George?" Clay asked, stirring.

"Did we-?" George asked.

"No, no, no." Clay answered, sitting up now and looking George in the eyes.

Clay reached for George's hands and he held them. George wanted to melt into Clay's touch. He wanted to stay there forever. His phone then went off and he groaned, climbing over Clay to grab his phone.

"My mom said I have to get home now." George said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay, that's fine. Text me?" Clay asked him.

George nodded and walked down the stairs and out of the house. He had to walk home now since Tommy had taken the car. During last night, Clay had drunkenly put his own phone number into George's phone that was on one percent. Clay had also given George some alcohol last night and George had a killer headache because of that.

"George? Is that you?" His mother called as he walked through the door.

"Yes, it's me." George replied.

"Where were you?" She asked him, worry lacing her voice.

"I was at a party and then stayed at a...friend's house." George explained, having to hold back the word 'boyfriend.'

"Please next time, text me. You had me worried, Georgie." His mother said.

"Okay." George said, sighing.

He grabbed his book bag that he had placed on the couch for a second and then walked upstairs to his lonely room. He was missing Clay. He wanted to ask him to come over but he knew that if he wanted him to come over, he would have to wait until night time.

George spent the rest of the day playing Minecraft with Tommy occasionally screaming into George's headset. George's headset would occasionally slide off of his small head because the headset was too big. It was pink and had cat ears on the top of it. Tommy had bullied him into buying them a while ago but now he had grown used to them and actually likes them.

George then asked Clay if he could come over. He had made sure that his mother was asleep first and then quietly tiptoed down to the living room and peered into the big living room window which was hidden in the night time by grey curtains. He had then spotted Clay walk across the lawn and then he heard a ding come from his phone and he opened it and saw that it was Clay telling him that he was there.

George walked over to the front door and opened it, revealing Clay with a book bag, his phone, and a huge fucking sly smile on his face. George grabbed his free hand and pulled him into the house. He had pinned Clay against the wall and kissed him, feeling the almost familiar feeling in the bottom of his stomach. Once their pink lips had disconnected from each other, George led Clay upstairs to his bedroom which was clean due to George always wanting it to be neat and organized.

"I missed you, I know it's only been a few hours and-" George started rambling on.

"Shh, George. It's okay." Clay said, slowly engulfing George into a hug.

George and Clay were now on the bed and George was straddling Clay as Clay had his arms wrapped around George's back and George's head was rested on Clay's shoulder. George sighed as Clay moved them onto the bed now laying down. George was laying down next to Clay but he had his arms wrapped around Clay, cuddling him. And with that, George finally fell asleep for the first time that week.

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