"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked and she nodded her head. "I-I uh, when I was in hospital I got diagnosed with anorexia." I said and she looked like she had expected it. "Do you want me to tell the roommates?" She asked and I nodded my head. "OI!!" She screamed and everyone who was downstairs looked at her. "FAMILY MEETING!!!" She shouted and I made a run for it while I still had the chance. I ran into the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind me. "NATSU!!" I heard her scream. I opened the door and ran downstairs. I almost fell down the stairs but luckily Gray was in the way. I sat down on the floor with Gray on my left and Gajeel on my right.

"Please be careful with Natsu guys." Erza said and everyone looked at me apart from Gray who was still on his phone. I looked at what he was doing and was shocked.

Lyon- You should keep your boyfriend in control, he almost killed me and he DID kill Acnologia

Gray- Acnologia was already dead and he can do what he likes

Lyon- So if he wanted to kill himself he could?

Gray- I wouldn't want him to and hopefully he would never do that but he is a human and can do what he likes but he knows that he shouldn't do that

Lyon- Bullshit

Gray- What do you want Lyon

Lyon- To annoy you

Gray- I hate to break it to you but that plan is failing

He turned his phone off and we both looked up to see everyone looking at us. "Natsu, do you want anything to eat?" Levy asked in a soft tone. "Uh, no thanks." I said and ran upstairs. I was planning on pranking Gajeel later so I decided to set that up. I grabbed an Alexa and put it under his bed. I heard footsteps coming upstairs so I tried to ran back to my bedroom but fell outside of the door. "You alright Natsu?" I heard a sweat voice ask. I looked up and realised that is was Mira. I smiled and got up. "I'm fine." I said and walked into my room. I closed the door behind me and went into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and obviously didn't like what I saw. I noticed a bruise on my forehead and I sighed. I looked at my phone and went to pick it up. I saw Gray walk in the room and he raised an eyebrow. I went onto my phone and started laughing. "I'm pranking Gajeel." I said and he nodded his head. "Alexa set a reminder to have sex with the wall." I said and turned the volume up. I could hear it and I starte giggling. "We just need to wait for Gajeel or Levy to come upstairs but I'm hoping for Gajeel." I said and Gray sat on the bed and smiled at me.

After about an hour Gajeel went into his room and I went to check that it was definitely him. I cleared my throat and turne turned my phone on. "Alexa set a reminder to take a big shit." I said in a deep voice and we could hear it speaking. "The hell?" I heard Gajeel say which made Gray laugh a little. I waited for 20 minutes and the most perfect thing happened. Lucy, Levy, Happy, Erza and Ash all went into his room to hang out. I smiled and turned my phone on again.

"Alexa set reminder to f*** Levy." I said in a deep voice and a second later we heard it speak. "WHAT THE HECK?!!" I heard Gajeel scream. "Where is it coming from?" Lucy asked and I could hear them moving stuff around. "Alexa set reminder to pee in the shower." I said and we heard it say it. I hear a knock at the door so I answered it. Erza grabbed my wrist and took me into Gajeel's room. Gray followed and we all sat down. "There's an Alexa somewhere in my room." Gajeel said and I tried so hard not to laugh. I looked at Gray and he raised an eyebrow.

"What is it doing?" He asked. "It's saying that I have reminders or something like weird things like having sex with a wall." Gajeel answered and that's when I turned my phone on. They all looked at me and were confused. "Alexa set reminder that Gajeel has been pranked by Natsu." I said in a deep voice and the Alexa spoke about a second after. Everyone stared laughing and I high fived Gray. We went back into our room but I still wanted to prank someone.

I took the Alexa downstairs and pretended to chill out with Jellal, Wendy, Carla and Gray as he had followed me down. I shoved the Alexa down the side of the sofa and went into the bathroom. "Alexa set reminder to master bate." I said in a really high pitched voice and I heard it speak. I could hear everyone rush downstairs and I tried my best not to laugh. "Alexa sat reminder that Jellal needs to master bate." I said and a couple of seconds later I heard it say it. I walked out of the bathroom and everyone looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and went upstairs with Erza followint me

"Can I say something?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Alexa set reminder." I said and nodded my head. She nodded hers and came close to my phone. "That Erza is pregnant." She said and I was shocked. I heard the Alexa go off and I saw Erza smiling. I raised an eyebrow and she nodded her head. "WAIT WHAT?!!" I shouted and she started laughing. We both went downstairs and saw Jellal looking shocked. Erza ran towards him and hugged him. They both went upstairs and I was still in shock.

"That prank went, uhh?" Gajeel said and everyone either laughed or smiled. I saw Luna running towards me and she sat down. She wants to go for a walk I can tell. I just don't have the energy for it. I looked at Gray and he nodded his head. "Luna." He called and she ran towards him. He went to the front door and put the lead on her. "You good Natsu?" I heard Gajeel ask. I looked up and realised how sad I looked. I nodded my head and saw Cara running at me. She was holding a toy and tried to play with me but I didn't have the energy. Everyone understood why and Wendy started playing with her. When I went upstairs Cara followed. She didn't bring her toy with her so I guess she was just checking up on me. After a few minutes of her sitting with me she went downstairs and I could hear everyone playing with her. I sat on my bed and decided to to to sleep. I would try to eat something tomorrow and I don't care how much effort that takes or how upset it will make me, I will eat.

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