Chapter 14: Asgard

Start from the beginning

Had he been like that because of you?

You kept holding on to Thor, trying not to lose consciousness again. Loki talked a little to Tony, which was quite odd and then came next to Thor and you. You looked him in the eyes and he gave you and weak and sad smile. Then he looked up to the sky and yell 'bring us back!'

Was he talking to...God?

Were you hallucinating?

Then you remembered all the stories the two brothers had told you and realised he was asking Heimdall, to bring you all to Asgard. You had dreamt of this moment since the first story came out of Thor's mouth, but in your mind it was much better.

For starters you were in the wrong brother's arms.

As soon as Loki finished his sentence a very bright light was dropped on top of you and then you were flying with extreme speed in the air. You were barely able to breath properly much more to keep your eyes open, but you had to try. A few seconds later you had finally arrived on you destination. You took one good look around and realised you were into a huge golden orb. You looked towards the exit only to see a beautiful golden city, exactly as Thor and Loki had described it to you, magical. After that you couldn't hold on any longer and closed your eyes blacking out almost immediately.

Loki's POV

Once they realised you blacked out again Loki and Thor quickly greeted Heimdall and rushed into the castle. The guard outside the gate didn't really like seeing Loki back, but Thor explained it was an emergency. They quickly brought you into the throne room where Odin and Frigga were. When they saw them Frigga run to greet and hug her sons while Odin was looking at Loki with suspicion and anger.

"My sons. What happened?" Frigga said as soon as she saw you unconsciously in Thor's arms.

"Mother this is y/n. She is very sick and we think only here she can be helped." Thor said.

"You brought a mortal here because she got a cold?" Odin got up and walked towards his sons.

"Father-" Loki tried to speak up but Odin cut him with an angry and deadly look.

"I told what would happen if you came back here." He said.

"Father but listen to him. It is important." Thor tried to defend his brother. "Loki thinks that this has something to do with her magic."

"Magic?" Frigga asked.

"Y/n has some certain...abilities and I have been trying to help her control that power." Loki looked his mother in the eyes.

"What does this have to do with her now state son?"

"She and I once got into her mind and inside we found a locked door, shield with Asgardian runes. I have been helping her figure out her abilities and I think this has sometimes to do with what happend to her."

Frigga's eyes suddenly darkened and her face became so serious. She came closer to you and gently placed her palm on you forehead. She closed her eyes and whispered something. She then quickly opened them and rushed out of the room.

"Bring her to the infirmary. Fast!" She shouted and Thor followed her.

Loki tried to follow but was stopped by Odin who had his eyes stuck on him. He gave Loki a very mad look and sighed.

"Loki, I warned you." He started.

"I know, father, and I will behave. We will leave as soon as y/n gets better. Believe me I don't want to be here more than you do." Loki told him.

"I don't care for the intentions you say you have, I can't let you walk around freely after everything."

"Just let me stay until I know she is okay."

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