Chapter 33

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Him and Jungkook were chatting quietly playing little games while I kept my eyes open for his mom. Jungkook had the brightest smile on his face, as Daeho's tiny hands were in his. Daeho seemed to have calmed down. He was just so cute.

Suddenly, I heard someone call. "Daeho." A woman older than me hollered out. "Mommy." Daeho cheered happily hugging her. "Don't ever run off like that again...." she embraced him. I smiled at the site.

"Thank you, so much for all your help." The lady thanked us. "It was nothing," I assured with a smile. "Our flight is boarding now, say goodbye." His mom spoke holding his hand. He ran towards us hugging our legs.

Jungkook beamed at the little boy hugging his muscular calves. "Bye bye." He waved before running off with his mother.

Jungkook looked at me with a sad smile. "He was cute wasn't he." I cooed at the thought of the little boy. "He was...." Jungkook held out his hand for me to take. We boarded the flight and before I knew it we Elster miles above ground. Jungkook's hand held in mine. He always gave me the window seat even though it was his favorite.

He made so many exceptions for me. Everything he was before I met him, he changed. He would never get angry with me. He would only smile at me. He would only hug me. He would only care for me. He always made me feel so special. Like I meant the entire world to him. Like he had to hold onto me so tight, in fear that I would leave him. He would do anything for me. Even if he put himself in pain........ I was his exception.

Deep in thought, he touched my cheek. "You alright there baby?" He asked, pulling me out of my own head. I nodded with a warm smile. He returned the smile before laying his head on my shoulder. "I love you, ok?" I kissed his head.

"I love you more...." he whispered before drifting off into sleep. I couldn't help the smile creeping o to my face.

We arrived at London and we were staying at my sister's mansion. "Y/n!" She cheered before running towards the car. I opened the door before Jungkook could and scurried towards her hugging her tightly. "I missed youuu." She squeezed me tightly. "I missed you too." I replied.

After we settled in, I was heading out of our room when I was yanked back inside. "Jungkook." I yelped. He smiled at me gently. He was so precious. He kissed my lips slowly, pulling me towards him. My sister was waiting for me downstairs but I just couldn't help but return the kiss. "I'll be out in a minute okay." He smiled. I matched his smile and left the room.

I entered the living room to see my sister sitting down awaiting our arrival. "Where's Yoongi?" I asked. "Oh he went to put Myung to bed." She smiled. I sat next to her. "This is nice." I said. "Ever thought about moving back?" I asked her. "To be honest I have, but if I go back mom would pressure me to rejoin the company, and that's the entire reason I moved, so I could be with Yoongi, and live my own life you know." She looked at me.

"Myung loves Korea, but he goes to school here and all of his friends are here," she added. "Not all arranged marriages work out like yours." She giggled. I chuckled at her comment. "What can I say, I'm a lucky girl." I grinned. "Any thoughts about a baby?" She asked with her eyes peeking up.

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