Chapter 28

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Jungkook POV

"Why did you pick here? Aren't you married?!" Jimin asked. "Look I'm not going in there. I have a wife." Taheyung spoke. "Come on it's only for a couple of hours." I spoke as we contemplated outside of the stripper club.

"I'm going home." Taheyung sighed and left. I rolled my eyes. I had to get Y/n out of my head. This was the only option open.

"Fine...." Jimin agreed and we entered. It remakes of alcohol and sweet smelling perfume, but to my surprise I scrunched my nose in disgust.

Jimin and I have been here many times before. At least I remember that. After a couple of hours and drinks while the pole dancer was on stage but I couldn't bring myself to even take a glance. I didn't know why.... "Private dance babe?" A girl with a very scandalous outfit spoke.

Just as I was about to answer, I was pulled back by Jimin. "Look I can't just sit around here while Y/n, your WIFE, is at home by herself." Jimin yelled. By this time iwnas furious with him. How dare he speak like that to me. He should know his fucking place.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you Jeon! You love Y/n!!!" Jimin shouted. "No I don't, I don't even remember who the fuck she is!" I yelled. "You care about her and you keep denying it just-" I cut him off completely enraged. He was being so stupid...... "If you care about her so fucking much, Why don't you just go fuck her yourself huh!" I yelled.

He scoffed in shock. I was even stunned by my own words. What is wrong with me. Suddenly he spoke. "I will...." and stormed off. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly I get a pain in my chest. A pain of hurt. A pain of guilt. A pain of jealousy.....


I was at home watching a movie with Bailey, trying to contain my sadness when suddenly the door opened. He must be home. I stood up and left for the foyer to greet him. Suddenly Jimin appeared. He looked upset. "Jimin, are you-" he cut me off by smashing his lips against mine. I was stunned and didn't kiss back. I tried pushing him off. "Jimin......stop...." it was as if with those words he froze and returned to reality. I was up against the wall with his hand on my waist and another trapping me between him and the wall.

"I'm sorry......" he looked at me in the eyes. "Jungkook......was being a dick......" he uttered. "W-where is he?" I asked afraid of the answer. "He's-" Jimin was cut off by the door opening. Suddenly Jungkook appeared furious. Enraged looking at Jimin with fire in his eyes. He suddenly threw a lunch at Jimin making him fall to his knees. "Jungkook!" I shrieked bending down to help Jimin up.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked. "You don't ever come near my wife again understand?" Jungkook hissed. "Well I'm sorry I wasn't the one who was at a strip club." Jimin spat. "What?!" I asked slowly becoming angry.

"I didn't do anything I swear....I didn't even look......" he pleaded to me. "I should go.....I'm sorry Y/n......" Jimin apologized, gazing at me. "It's ok....." I assured. Jungkook looked confused as to what happened between Jimin and I. I wasn't going to tell him either.....

He glanced at me guiltily. "I'm sorry," he apologized immediately. "I went to the strip club to try to forget about you, because I couldn't get you out of my mind....." he ranted. "I-I thought our love could never have been real because I found it impossible to love someone so much who also loves me." He spoke. "And the memories.....they were so happy, and all of them were with you...." he spoke. He remembered?

He stepped closer to me, cupping my cheek slowly and gently. "Please.....forgive me......" he gazed into my eyes glancing at my lips. I was  jammed against the wall again, his body trapping me. His knee suddenly pressed between my legs. The heat in to room rose as our bodies were pressed against each other. I could feel his boner rub against my thigh. My heart rate accelerated. I missed him so much. I just couldn't push him away.

"I want you Y/n......and the thought of anyone else having you is like a knife twisting into my dark soul....." he muttered with his hot breath against my lips.

"Let me make love to you........" he whispered softly but ever so sexily in my ear. My breath hitched. "But you don't love me...." I looked at him. He suddenly pressed his lips against mine.....

"Let me show you how much I love you....."

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