Chapter 3

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I gasped in shock. I felt like my heart stopped beating. Time had stopped in that very moment.

"What the fuck?!?!" My sister yelled. "It's what he wants. It says it here in the letter." I looked away trying to hold in my tears. "I'm so sorry, Y/n, I really am." She hugged me.

The next day I decided to run the branch in Australia and leave Korea. I wouldn't be able to contain the pain if I was constantly reminded of it. I began packing my things. I had taken most of my things from Jungkook's home but I needed to go get some more stuff.

I entered the house to see it in more of a mess than it was was a week ago. I quickly gathered the stuff. I galacned at my bedside table looking at the photo. I looked away quickly. I opened my closet and saw the dress he bought me for the gala. I shooed away the thought and packed my things. I opened my drawers to see the many sets of lingerie he purchased for me.

The way he'd kiss me, and hug me. And merge his body with mine. Ugh, I miss it. I miss him. But I had to be strong. I realized Bailey wasn't here. He must be At Taehyung's place.

I gathered everything I needed and thankfully he didn't come home. I ventured to his office. I noticed something that I didn't see before. It was a photo. Of me. In his office. I sighed and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote a letter to him. As a closure. I couldn't sign the papers. I just couldn't. But when I was ready I will. Because that's what he wanted. And if that's what he wants, then I'll do it.

I left the house glancing at it. Tears welled up in my eyes as I left the beautiful home.

My flight was tonight, and Jimin was taking me to the airport. He offered and insisted. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. "I'm sure." I nodded. "Positive?" Jimin asked again. "I'm positive Jimin." I assured.

I had to get to the airport 3 hours before the flight. "Goodbye honey, and be sure to call us when you get there." My mom and dad hugged me goodbye. "Why don't you go see him......before you leave." Sana suggested "He wants this. I shouldn't question his decision." I said. She hugged me before leaving.

I sat down in the car and we drive to the airport. "We can swing by his house. Just to see him." Jimin offered. "Jimin I'm fine, let's just go." I looked out the window. My flight was at 10pm. So I made it to the airport earlier.

Jungkook POV

I arrived at home, a complete wreck as usual. I miss her so much. It's like I couldn't breathe without her. She was my other half. And now I feel so empty. I know I completely fucked up. I should've told her. She had every right to be mad with me. I ventured to my office. I glanced at the picture of her on my desk. She is just so precious. I just wanted to hug her; and kiss her.

But she deserves better than me. She deserves someone who didn't lie to her. Just then something caught my eye. A white paper with my name on it. I picked it up and read through it. What? Australia? Divorce papers? What fucking divorce papers???? No NO NO NO!!!

I ran to the bedroom and opened her door to her closet. Almost everything was gone. All her things. I looked through her drawers and most of her clothes were gone. And the photo frame of us. She took it. She's leaving? Today?!?!

I ran downstairs but I found Taheyung rushing inside the house. Before I could speak he punched me right in the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I almost yelled holding my bruised cheek. "You have Y/n, leaving because you want a fucking divorce!!!!" He shouted.

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