Chapter 1

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It was a dark and stormy night and Harry Potter was tired of Dumbledore's shit. It was the first night of summer after his fourth year and he had been shipped back to the Dursleys. The only reason he was in this hell hole was because of Dumbledore.

"Why cant I stay here for the summer?" Harry asked. "Because of the blood wards my boy. It is for your safety" Dumbledore answered.

Voldemort had used his blood to come back DAMN IT! He could obviously get through the wards. Honestly how stu- just then he heard a knock on his window. He turned to look and saw a eagle owl. He opened the window and let the owl in. He dried the owl off and gave it some food and water. He noticed a letter tied to the leg of the owl and took it. It read

Dear Mr.Potter,
It has come to my attention that there is something we really need to talk about concerning the war. I would like to meet. The time and place is up to you. I know you most likely do not trust me so I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, swear on my magic that i shall not harm,kill, or have anyone else touch Harry James Potter.
Lord Voldemort

Harry could not believe it. It must be really important for him to swear on his magic. Harry thought for awhile before sitting down and writing back.

Dear Voldemort,
I am only agreeing to this because you swore on your magic and because it will mess with Dumbles. We can meet at The Leaky Cauldron on Sunday at 12p.m.
Harry Potter
When he was done he noticed it was 1 a.m. He turned to the owl and said "you can stay for the night boy". He then layed down and went to bed to the sound of the rain hitting the roof.

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