The Eleventh Letter

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Aw jeez, did you really think that my cat pun was that cringy? Welp, you crushed my dreams of being a comedian. I guess being a surgeon was a good decision after all!

On a more serious note, did you hear the Mayor's speech? He wants us to all stay in our homes from now on because of the large increase in murders. Seven people have died already, can you believe it? Four men and three women. Now because of the murderer, we must suffer by laying in bed and being unable to work. I don't know about you love, but I love my job, and I love going to college. I really want to become a surgeon as soon as possible, so I've began the online classes again.

Oh but enough about me, how are you holding up? I know that most of the people that died worked alongside you. Isn't that weird? All people that you knew are dying...
Oh God, what if you're next!? No no, I can't have that, I knew that I should've- oh darling, please stay home whatever you do! Don't open the door to strangers, and the only time you should ever leave your house is to get my letters. And other mail. Of course.

Well wishes, Marion ❀

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