The Sixth Letter

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Are you angry at me? Are you scared of me? I think you are. Please do believe that the whole 'meat cleaver' thing was a joke. I mean, I'm thrilled that you aren't talking to Anthony anymore, but you seem a bit uncomfortable with me. You called me obsessed and possessive. You said, and I quote, that you "don't like how I'm acting" and that you'll "call the police if I ever make threats like that".

Hahaha, oh sweetheart, you really crack me up sometimes. The things you say are just so silly! Ah, okay, I'll admit that I can be a bit possessive, but it's because I love you so much!
And that little remark about calling the police? I don't put my address or name in these letters. There's no cameras watching me deliver these letters to you. And I've never said anything but lovely things about you. So what is there to report? That's right, nothing. You're just being paranoid.

Now on another note, I saw an invitation in your mailbox when I delivered my last letter to you. It's the Summer Solstice Gala, isn't it. I got an invitation too. You're going, right? I have no interest in things like this, but if you're attending then perhaps I'll make an appearance ♡

With love, Secret Admirer

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