Chapter 18

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After I'd done the work I had to do today, I texted Niall.

E: are you up?

He didn't answer. He usually replies immediately if he's up, so he might as well not be.

I waited another ten minutes before my phone vibrated on my bedside table.

N: sorry, I weren't. Just saw your message.

E: it's okay, I just did some work anyway.

N: are ya done, so I can call?

E: yeah

And after that message send, he called.

"Petal!" He hollered.

"Hi Niall!" I replied.

"Having a good day?"

"Yeah, aren't you tired from yesterday?"

"Nah, I only got a few." He shrugged.

"Nice, bet they were Guinness, weren't they?" I smirked.

"You know me well!" He laughed.

"Yeah, when's your next meeting?"

"A week before the tour starts!"

"When's that?"

"A week before 3rd of May." He laughed.

"You don't know don't you?" I laughed.

"No!" He laughed along.

When we had cooled down a little, he asked a few questions.

"What are ya working with?"

"I answer mails for a company!"

"Oh, that's why you don't work many hours!"

"Yeah, it depends every day. But I like it. The more I answer the more I get!"

"Oh that's nice! When's your birthday?"

"Is this some '21 questions' or what?" I laughed.

"No, you know a lot about me, it'll only be fair to know basic facts about you too."

"Yeah that's true. My birthday's on 15th of October." I smiled.

"Eyy, your from the autumn too!" He put his hands in the air.

"Yeah!" I laughed at his reaction.

"What is your favorite food?"

"Don't make me chose between food!" I widened my eyes.

"Oh you love food too?" He said excitedly.

"Yeah, but I can say that I love nuggets and fries, and waffles. Or, well, I love a good home cooked meal too. Or everything unhealthy!"

"Well, I like a good Sunday roast. And a lot of other dishes and meals." He chuckled.

"Yeah, that's why I love Christmas too. There's food and sweets everywhere!"

"Which types?"

"Ehm, a lot of chocolate and cookies. For dinner it's usually duck or geese with some boiled potatoes and sauce."

"Sounds nice, it's around the same in Ireland."

"Cool, do you open presents in the morning or evening?" I asked in curiosity, finally a thing I didn't know about Ireland.

"In the morning. We eat a solid dinner in the evening though." He smiled. It might be the thought of Ireland, and the food.

"Well, we do it in the evening."

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