Chapter 6

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We walked around the Airbnb. There was 3 rooms which meant, some of us have to share. I think I'm gonna pull the big sister card. Not that I don't want to share, but I like having my own.

After we had seen the whole house, we took a lap on the outside area too. There weren't anything impressive, or at least as impressive as our own house back in Denmark. Or Sweden for that matter. But after all it's rented so it doesn't matter.

Yes, you heard right. We have two houses, if you want to say it like that. Since my mom is half Swedish and half Danish, we have a big house in Copenhagen, and a smaller apartment in Stockholm. My grandma is Danish and my grandpa is the ones who's Swedish. So that's a lot information just by that. I never really tell everyone, I hate talking too much about myself. So I always just say that I'm Scandinavian. And half American of course.

When we came inside and settled down, ordered my dad some breakfast. Or more dinner for our perspective. I think he ordered some Nando's, without being sure.

After around 20 minutes, there were a knock on the door. I opened it, and outside was there a lady in, what I would guess, the 50's. Looks like I guessed right! She handed me a bag of food from Nando's. I payed and went in the kitchen were the rest stood around the kitchen, waiting for the food to arrive.

"The food!" My dad spoke out loud.

"Oh, it's Nando's!" Joshua suddenly noticed.

"I know someone who would be jealous of us right now." I heard Oakley. I looked up at her with a 'I-know-exactly-what-you're-talking-about' look and she just winked at me. She's more a Louis or Liam girl, not really sure which one though. She's been switching up a lot through the years. But she knew I'm a Niall girl, and is constantly picking me about it. Our parents don't get the inside jokes, but they're familiar with the boys.

"Oh shut it before you start!" I spoke back at her.

"Just saying." She mumbled with a smirk.

We ate the food and took a dip in the pool, since we can't do that back home, because of the degrees. Since we're only here for a few days, we gotta enjoy every second of it. Back in Copenhagen our parents had told us, that if we want to stay longer we could, but only for a week. I haven't really spoke with Oak about it, but I don't really know what to do here if we're going to stay.

After the little dip, we all had to go take a shower. Which means: room discussion.

"I don't want to share with those Direction freaks." Joshua immediately called.

"Fair enough I guess." Oakley said with a bit disappointment in her eyes.

"Let's go then, I really need a shower." I spoke as I grabbed my luggage starting to walk down the hallway to find the double bed room. As I looked in the third, and last, room, I had found it. I walked in, put the luggage on the bed, grabbed some clothes and walked in the bathroom to take the long wanted shower, that I needed so bad.

I got in, scrubbed my body and washed my hair. After a long time I walked out and wrapped a towel around me while I did my hair. I made two Dutch braids on each side of my head. When I was done with the last rubber band I took on some sweatpants and a light top. It's nearly dark outside so I decided to stay in the house and wait till tomorrow morning to go on a walk. I walked to the kitchen, on my way I could hear Joshua playing the guitar. He's better at the guitar than the drums, so I didn't mind. If he sometimes can see that I'm getting angry at him for playing, he would start playing the Little Things melody, and I would start pleasing him to play more. Easy win for him though.

When I walked in the kitchen I looked at the clock, and it's already 11pm.

"Thank you for being quick in the shower." Oakley said as the only one being in the kitchen.

"Sorry, you can go now if you want."

"No, I've already been. Mom let me use theirs." She answered back, followed by a yawn. Letting me notice her wet hair and the pjs she wore.

"Well, I'm going to bed." I spoke as I saw her yawn. I'm tired too as well.

"Yeah let's go."

We walked to bed and talked for another hour in the dark. It's going to be a long weekend, but also fun.

An hour later we both fell asleep in the middle of our small talk.


Author's note:

Hey y'all! I hope you're enjoying the story. Im sorry that I haven't updated in awhile, but yesterday when I had planned to, my mom got in a bad accident so I had to call my dad and an ambulance along with some care helpers a long way from home. And I got a little panic attack on top of it, so it was a long day. If you have some ideas for the stories or any grammars that's wrong, don't be afraid to comment either! Remember to follow me, vote it and leave a comment! If you want you can follow my TikTok too, it's @natasjae!
Love xx!

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