Chapter 15

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"Yay!" I heard from upstairs.

She hurried down the stairs and embraced me, tightly.

"Wow, are you okay?" I asked, confused by the tight hug.

"No, not really. I'm bored and couldn't find anything in the refrigerator." She spoke.

"Well, were you going to eat me then?"

"Who knows?" She shrugged with a smirk.

We walked up to her room and sat on the bed.

"So anything interesting?" She asked.

"No not much."

"Do you want to watch a movie or a series?" She asked. "We could watch a classic, like 'Friends' or a Disney movie."

"Oh, we could do a Disney marathon!" I suggested.

"Great idea!"

"Should we start with the princess movies?"

"Actually, there is 'Alice in Wonderland' too. I haven't watched that in awhile."

"Yeah, okay. Let's watch that one first." I agreed.

We only watched the movie halfway, before both our stomachs started to rumble. We made eye contact and immediately walked down to the kitchen, with smirks on our faces.

"Should we do some pasta and meatballs?" Olivia suggested.

"Yeah, then we're going all in on disney!" I laughed.

I boiled the water while Liv started to make the sauce before putting the meatballs in. I cooked the pasta and split it up on two plates. After Olivia put the sauce and meatballs on, we sat down in front of the tv again and watched the rest of the movie.

After a few movies, my phone started to vibrate on my stomach. I looked at the caller ID and immediately remembered what I forgot.

On the screen was 'NH'. My secret 'code' so no one would recognize Niall. I would like to keep it a secret a little longer. But i will eventually have to tell her, or she'll somewhat find out herself.

I excused me from Olivia, and walked downstairs. I battled myself if I should go to the toilet or stay in the living room.

I answered the phone and heard a happy man in the other end.

"Hello!" Niall hollered.


"Why didn't you pick up the phone?"

"Oh, you really wanted to talk with me that bad?" I spoke in sarcasm. "Well no, I actually forgot to tell you that I'm staying the night at Olivias."

Niall already knows that I have a best friend called Olivia, just not the whole fan thing yet.

"I'm sorry to bother you then-."

"No no, it's fine. Do you wanted to say anything specific?"

"No not really. What are you and Olivia doing?" He asked.

"She's watching a movie in her room." I spoke.

"Go back to her then. Why are you sitting wherever you are speaking with me then?"

"I've watched the movie thousands of times. It doesn't matter. I'd rather speak with you a little."

"Aww, that's cute. Er, if I tell you something...will you promise not to get mad?" He nervously asked.

"Why would I be mad at you?" I could feel my heart starting to beat a little bit faster.

"I've heard a little bird sing about you being a cousin of the Hadid's." He explained.

My shoulders fell down in relief. It could've been so much more bad news, and now I don't have to say it.

"Yeah, that might be true. I promise I would've told you. I just didn't-."

"Hey hey hey, calm down. I just wanted to hear it from you. You don't have to expose everything about you to me if you don't want to." He sounded more sad, speaking the last sentence.

"No it's fine. I know a lot about you and it'll only be fair if you know something about me." I cheered him up. "Now tell me. Who spilled the tea to ya?"

He giggled. "Actually, I just showed a picture to the lads and Zayn, Liam and Louis recognized ya. Me and Harry sat there like 2 big question marks." He laughed.

"Oh that makes sense." I laughed along.

"Well, now I know why I recognized your voice so badly."

"Yeah, I've heard people saying it a few times. Not many people know that if my dad didn't take my moms last name, I would've been a Hadid too."

"Yeah, it's a perfect way to make it out of the light though."

"I guess. I'm sorry but I have to go back to Liv now, she's probably already curious." I giggled.

"Yeah okay. Goodnight Everleigh."

"Thank you, bye!"


I hanged up and walked back upstairs.

"Who was that? Your cousin?" She probably heard me speaking English.

"Yeah!" I lied. She was one of the few people that know about them and my family.

"Well, what do you want to watch now?"

"What about a series, like and oldie?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about the iCarly episode with 1D?" She suggested.

"Sure!" I agreed.

We watched the one with 1d first and then just binge watched until we were tired enough to go to bed.


Author's note:

Hey y'all! I hope you're enjoying the story. This was a short chapter, since I didn't have much creativity and I'm off winter break again:) and online school is some real ass shit. Thank you so much for reading the chapter and thank you so so much for 800 reads! I can't believe it! If you have some ideas for the stories or any grammars that's wrong, don't be afraid to comment either! Remember to follow me, vote it and leave a comment! If you want you can follow my TikTok too, it's @natasjae!
Love xx!

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