Chapter 14

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*Everleigh's P.O.V.*

The past few days after me and Niall have been talking, have been amazing. I almost think he knows my daily life better, than some of my friends.

We talk whenever I'm not working and he isn't in interviews or at radio stations. It's nice having the late nights, just talking while watching 'Friends', or any other classic tv-show, on each our screen.

Today, I'm going to have lunch with 4 of my friends, at a cafe in the city.

I called Niall on FaceTime, while getting ready. Or more like I called him, after I got ready. I'm not that confident. I told him what I'm doing today, and told him that I won't answer the next few hours. But I will be back around noon.

He was fine with it, and I drove to town for the lunch. I was the first one and a few minutes later came Olivia, my best friend. Also known as the biggest 1D fan I know, beside myself. And probably Oakley.

She's like Oakley, a Liam girl. She haven't been switching between anyone though.

And I can't leave out saying: she's a girl with attitude.

"Hi Everleigh!" She spoke in excitement, while wrapping her arms around me.

"Hi Liv!"

"Haven't the other girls arrived?"

"No, you're the first one."

"Nice! How are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm also good, just visited Jack!"

Jack is Olivias boyfriend. They've been together since high school. Jack lives in San Francisco, and have always been. Olivia went to San Francisco to study and ended up falling in love. And if someone is good at long distance, it's them.

"Cool. Was it fun?"

"Yeah, we went around town. Walked over the bridge on walks and stuff. It was quite relaxing having some weeks off and leave everything for a second."

"Oh I've been there. We ended up staying a few days longer."

"Yeah, your parents told me."

"They probably did." I chuckled. My parents are often acting like youngsters around my friends. Just never when anything is dead serious, like us getting in trouble. But that was the old days. It haven't been necessary in the last couple of years.

"Bitch, there's the other girls!" Olivia spoke.

"Hi!" They said in unison.

"Hi!" We said back.

We all sat down again and ordered some food. I ordered some good old pizza.

"So, are y'all up for something later?" Jasmine spoke. Jasmine was the sweetie in the group. You know the girl who gets what she wants and if not she can pull something over your head. So you gotta be careful.

"Depends on what it is." I spoke.

"Yeah, I might just sleep the rest of the day." Julia said. She's more the lazy one who don't care about the fun. And then when we get her out of bed, she's loving it and having the time of her life.

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