Shoot for the Stars!

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'Fuck! Why does she always carry that thing around!?'

Standin' up, I stood defensively in front of Amelia as she looked full of fear while Suisei seemed to not have liked that at all. Growlin' softly at me, Suisei's face faltered into a frown for a second before she began gigglin' maniacally. This was no longer Suisei...this was Suiciopath...

"Suisei! Listen to me for a second-!"

Ironically enough, that second I spoke, was a second I could have used to go on the offensive. Especially since I was cut off by her dashin' forward and slashin' at Amelia who was behind me. Reactin' quickly despite the delay, I'd shoulder bash Suisei back as Amelia put her back against the counter with a horrified look but, she soon glared as she went forward to attack. Like hell I was goin' to let that happen.

Yankin' her back by her coat, she yelped out as she fell onto her ass before I deflected a slash from Suisei by pushin' her arm to the side. Glarin' at Watson, she was confused to why I intervened.

"You goin' on the offensive will NOT help!"

I yelled before yelpin' out as I nearly took a stab to the gut but, caught by holdin' Suisei's wrists back. Lookin' up at her face, my heart broke when I saw her wicked smiled yet, tears streamed down her face.

"First you miss my stream~! Then you don't pick up your phone~! And when I heard you got hurt from Choco, I cried tears~! But when I asked Shion where you were, she said you were with Amelia at the bar~!"

"Suisei! Just stop for one fuckin' second so I can explain!"

"Explain what~? Explain how your feelings for the blonde large boobed detective is your love again~? If that's the case~?"

Bringin' her knee up, I shoved her hands away before catchin' her knee but, she spun out of my grasp as smacked the hilt's base into my cheek. Makin' me fall backwards with a twirl as Amelia got up and ran over to me. Groanin' softly, my blurred vision cleared to see Suisei's face became a look of pure sadness before she wiped her face. Glarin' and growlin' before smilin' wickedly like before.

"I used to hate romance...~ Lovers holding hands while walking down the street...~ Then I met you and instantly Coco teased me about how we stared at each other with admiration...~ Now looks where we are..."

Standin' up, I spit some blood to the side before lookin' at the bartender goin' for his phone. Pullin' out the dagger, I pointed at him with a snarl.

"You call the police and I'll burn everythin' down in a four block radius and frame you for tossin' alcohol into the drain!"

This got to him as he gulped and pit the phone down before I looked to Suise with a growl.

"Listen here! Somethin' between myself amd Watson occurred tonight! Somethin' that I wouldn't think of doin' around you!"

This actually madd Suisei shiver as she looked away with a hit hed breath as she held her knife tightly. Dashin' forward, I swiped at her but, she blocked the swipe with her own as we got into a deadlock. Glarin' into her dull deranged eyes, I growled as I put a bit of strength into pushin' her back.

"I fuckin' died! I died and saw people I never met and I even met my Ma again for the first time in god knows how long! She watched me get my brains get fuckin' blown out! I never want you to see that!"

Suisei was confused by this but, also shocked before she growled and slid her blade down so I lurched forward. Usin' this, we traded blows as I elbowed her chest and she headbutted my stomach. Both of us fallin' back while coughin', I growled and took a deep gulp of air.

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