True Colors

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The weekend flew by in what seemed like the blink of an eye thanks to how laidback it was. It mainly just consisted of the girls and I goofin' around at home or goin' out into town to do shoppin' or whatever. The same also applied to HoloFive since I would hop into a stream with 'em as a collab partner or a fill in for a game. However, Suisei and I didn't really spend much time alone unless it was early mornin' or Coco and Kanatan were asleep.

Though, she was still nervous about somethin' and not just Kanata's return to the office. I tried to ask her about it but, she would just chuckle sheepishly and say she had to do somethin'. Even Coco and Kanatan were a bit iffy as Coco would suggest odd thing's like a stab-proof vest while Kanata was in the books readin' about "Healin' magic."

Now in the office, I was walkin' down the halls while carryin' a few folders full of some design concepts I thought of with my crew. I was headin' towards the digital art department specifically when I felt a sudden presence...

"Mel...? Why are you stalkin' me...? Again?"

Turnin' around, I saw nothin' behind me. Makin' me cock an eyebrow as I was confused that Mel wasn't really there. Then suddenly, a wild fuckin' ojou appeared from below with a pop of her head.

"Yo dayo!"

Makin' me yelp out, I stumbled back a bit before I felt someone catch me. Holdin' me up as I sighed out in relief that I didn't just-


Then came a bite on my arm as I saw Mel was the one that caught me. After a second, she let go and smiled innocently.

"What in hell just transpired...?"

"Ayame scared you, silly! And I caught you but, I guess I was feeling a bit hungry."

Lookin' at Mel with an unimpressed look, I then turned to Ayame to see her smilin' innocently too...

"Christ in a hand basket, I can't be mad at you gals..."

Both of them beamed happily as I could feel at least 2 years get added to my life expectancy. Since I was on my way to do somethin', the 2 of 'em wanted to tag along. So I said was a mistake. Why? Because they would fool around via some shape way or form so, eventually, I just became desensitized to bein' conscious. And because of that? I lost all control of bein' aware of my surroundin's. Especially when I rounded a corner only to end up bumpin' into someone.

And that someone just so happened to be Flare. Basic instinct kicked in and I basically tossed everythin' I had in my arms down to the ground. Causin' a flurry of papers to splatter the floor as I swooped in and caught Flare before she could hit the floor. This got it to a situation where she wouldn't get hurt at all. That's all fine and dandy until you realize how much of a shut-in-NEET the universe is cus' the way I caught her made it look like it was a marrital or dancin' kind of swipe of the feet.

Of course this made Flare blush a bit but, oh boy do I hate the universe. Cus' right after, I heard a gasp and looked up to a see a shocked lookin' Noel and even Flare noticed her by cockin' her head backwards. Meanwhile, Mel and Ayame just stood behind me with a look of glee and horror. When Noel noticed I was lookin' at her, she looked down to the ground as her fists clenched up tightly.


"Knight, just hold on a sec-!"

"You homewrecker!"

"Excuse me!?"

Hearin' my name tarnished, I instinctly stood up yet, also let go of Flare in the process so, she fell with a soft thud and yelp. Makin' everyone minus Noel and I flinch but, Noel did twitch from hearin' Flare get hurt.

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