I Plead the Fifth

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It was the mornin' after Suisei and I had kissed on the rooftop and today was also the day Suisei would stay with Kanata while Coco and I went to work. But....I sort of stayed out a lil' later than intended cus' Sui and I were so comfy with one another. So, I was currently sleepin' in a bit more than I'd like for comfort.

However, I soon felt a weight on my body as I groaned and pulled my sheets over my head.

"Coco, please let me sleep in..."

"Bold of you to assume it's Coco this time~"

Hearin' Gal-axy's voice, I poked my eyes over my blanket and blinked as she giggled. Chucklin' softly, I soon pulled my blanket down as Suisei climbed up a bit as we pecked each other's lips while gigglin' like some highschool couple in the hall.

"You have to wake up, Mafioso~"

"Wake up? Is this all a dream~?"

"M——m nope~"

Pullin' away from me, we shared one last kiss before she sat off to my side as I sat up. Feelin' her wrap her arms around me from behind, I chuckled and placed a hand over hers.

"You're makin' it extremely hard to get up, yknow."

"Shame. Because you need to hurry up. It's already 8 am."

"....Holy fuck!"

Suddenly jumpin' out of bed, and Suisei's arms, I would have Al fetch me my stuff as I hopped into my closet along with him before the doors shut behind me. Not long after, I kicked them open to show I was now fully dressed minus my hair bein' a huge fuckin' mess. Meanwhile, Suisei would just laugh softly at my sudden change in mornin' energy.

"Why didn't you tell me any sooner!?"

"Because this would be the most effective~! Now hurry to the bathroom!"


Dashin' out my room, I soon did a small twirl around before runnin' back into my room to see Suisei huggin' my blanket with a goofy smile. Runnin' up to her, I gave her a small kiss on the forehead before dashin' on out again to leave her an even giddier mood. In the bathroom, I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth in the span of a minute cus' I multitasked. Haulin' ass out the bathroom, I ran up to the staircase rails and slid down 'em to see Coco outside with an impatient look. Finally spottin' me, she glared.

"Hurry up! What took you so long!?"

Sweatin' a bit profusely with a blank face, I had to come up with an excuse. Ya see, Suisei and I decided to keep our relationship from both public and private eyes for right now. Mainly because we're both idols, we got fans who see us romantically, weird I know, not to mention the other Hologals and finally, the biggest reason, Suisei would get jealous eyes from Choco-sensei and Marine while I got jealous eyes from male members after I chased her through the halls.

"U-Uhm...Sleepin' pills?"



We just stared at one another blankly before she perked up all of a sudden.

"Oh. Okay. Hope everything is okay! Let's go!"

Dashin' off to the train station for a taxi, we immediately got to work after I convinced the driver to double time it via the most effective method! Money. Twice the fare, to be fair. Wink! Arrivin' at the office, Coco and I launched out as we went to the 3D studio to work together. Unlike yesterday, it wasn't cus' my manager cancelled on me again but, because Coco and I thought a 3D collab "redebut" would be fun as hell.

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