Generation "Free Serotonin"

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Mornin' was basically the same with the commute bein' far less hectic today. No, we didn't get robbed and I had to catch the thief. Although that thing I did with the pencil still was on my mind.

However, I was ripped away from my rhoughtst when my new studio manager, a nice asian woman in a suit and evrythin', asked me about what the set should be. A direct port of the old one or if we should mix it up. A bit. But, honestly? I was sort of out it thanks to skippin' breakfast. I had spent a pretty good amount of time with tue gals breakin' my room in. Toyin' around with my new consoles and computer, seein' how far we could launch one another bit sittin' at the edge of the bed and jumpin' onto it and talkin' about my near death encounter with Rushia, Noel and Marine.

"Sorry. I'm a bit out of it cus' I stayed up a bit later than usual."

"Oh? Well then we should take a break. You go get yourself somethin' to eat and we'll just finish up later."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes. You can't be as creative or decisive when hungry. Let's oick this up later. In the meantime, my team and I will make sure all the specs are at their highest."

"Oh...well, thank you."

Givin' one another a smile and nod, I walked out my studio with a large yawn and stretch. Even gainin' a small pop as I made my way to the cafeteria. Which took a bit due to new settin' and what not. But once I got there? I was taken back at how huge the place was.

Like 2 times the size of the EN cafeteria in terms of size, capacity, food, everything. And there was even a decent sized courtyard outside with a small fountain of Yagoo-...Yeah, that's odd. Won't lie. Walkin' up to the lunch line, I was lookin' at everythin' with cold feet since there were so many options. From sushi to full on steaks cooked in whatever style ya wanted.

Lookin' at it while tappin' my foot, a guy with a yellow-white striped soccer jersey wearin' a red and white hat popped up next to me. Even had a red and white pair of high socks and simple white shoes. But they also had a stopwatch and a clip holdin' a yellow plastic megaphone and yellow towel.

"Sup! Im Subaru! Pleasure to meet ya! Having a hard time choosing what to eat?"

"Same here, pal. And guess ya can say that. Menu is way bigger than the EN buildin'. Then again, the EN buildin' only had staff and 6 idols...well 5 now."

Chucklin' a bit, I soon began to notice somethin'. Name tag, offlandish appearance? This is an idol!

"Wait, I thought I was the only male idol in Hololive. Did you just join?"


Chucklin' at him, I'd soon began to fill my plate by grabbin' a shrimp tempura sushi plate along with soy sauce, a lil' plastic cup of wasabi and some chop sticks. The guy givin' me a funny look while his eye sort of twitch and his hand did the same.

"Yeah! I'm a guy, you're a guy, but as far as I remember, I was the only guy in Hololive. Guess the Big Man feels gutsy..."

Now the guy was lookin' down and shiverin' as I grabbed a cup of iced green tea. Lookin' at him with a cocked eyebrow, he'd soon lifted his head up to show a large scowl along with red all over his face.


"Woah! Calm down man!"

"I'm not a guy!"

"What do you mean you ain't a guy!? You got-!"

Shuttin' up, I his appearance seep into my eyes before lookin' closer to see a set of lump on his chest........oh fuck. Now with a comedic "ding" similar to a cookin' timer goin' off, my eyes went wide.

Psychotic Tendencies: A Different PathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz