Team Yakuza-Nanora

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The mornin' after Suisei and I got home was pretty nerve rackin'. And I don't mean just because we were tired. But also because when we got home, Kanatan and Coco were waitin' in the livin' room with cups of coffee like 2 parents witnessin' their kids get home late. However, next to the scoldin' came a very awkward and intentional talk about sexual education from Coco. Since then, anytime I see Suisei or she sees me, we just do small hi and bye. We didn't have issues with one another. Just was second-hand embarrassment.

The next day, I was back in the office like usual but, it was a tad bit more busier than we all intended thanks to a glitch in the system. For some reason, the entire sector was under low wifi connection and nobody knows why.

Groanin' out while sittin' at my studio desk, I've been tryin' to help render some stuff in for my "re-debut." Lettin' myself finally fall in, I let my head fall forward with a pretty harsh thud on my desk.


"You really shouldn't do stuff like that..."

Jumpin' up onto my feet, I looked at the new voice as even they let out a yelp. Both of us starin' one another down, I blinked as I stared at a blonde short girl with a pretty fancy and old timey kind of outfit. Somethin' that looked like a white wool coat that had a black midthigh length dress with wherever it ended or was cut off, would have a fluffy cuff. She also had a pretty cute red lil' bow on her chest that had a pretty similarly colored knapsack. On her lower half, she had a pair of black boots that had the same white cuffed endin's. She did also have a rather cute pink cape with wool cuffs too. But she stood out the most thanks to a harp she carried in her left hand and a black pair of sheep horns. "Tsunomaki Watame."

"Sorry! I shouldn't have snuck up on you!"

"Yeah. You shouldn't have. But I'm sort of gettin' used to it around her. Especially after bein' seen as a piece of meat, literally."

Watame would let out this lil' laugh that sounded really mature and soft. Which actually made me ease up a bit as I sat on my desk.

"You wouldn't be the first one."

"So it would seem. Take a seat."

As she took a seat in the chair I was just in, since I have yet to get my own, she would smile and for some reason, I'd get the urge to eat mutton...oh well.

"So, Tsunomaki Watame, mind me askin' whats up?"

"Oh nothing! I was passing through when I heard you groan. I was already entering when you smacked your head against the desk."

Snickerin' softly, I'd rub my head a bit but, I just now noticed somethin' that made it hurt more. Standin' up and stoppin' in front of me, I blinked as she grabbed the sides of my head. Makin' me look at her as she stared at me pretty closely.


"You actually gave yourself a bump-oop. Nevermind."

"Oi, what do you mean nevermind?!"

Touchin' my forehead, I'd feel nothin' as I groaned out and sighed.

"You feel more annoyed than relieved that your bump is gone. Why?"

"Well, because it's been like this since before I even came here! I had a dislocated shoulder that healed in 2 weeks. And now if I get a scraped knee? It heals before I can even clean it."

Watame would hum to herself as she placed a hand under her chin as if deep in thought. Yet that got thrown out the window when she shrugged.

"Guess it can't be helped."

"Oh geez thanks for the useful input...Not to mention the wifi is still scuffed! I cant even load JPEGs without them givin' me an old dial tone."

Watame seemed to chuckle a bit sheepishly, no pun intended...actually fuck you pun intended mwuhahah. Enough so that I cocked an eyebrow at her.

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