(Jack says goodbye. )

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Chapter seventeen:

In the nearest city, Jack uses some of his new God power to return everyone back in the world back to life, with no knowledge that they were ever gone.

The Winchester sisters congratulate Jack, and Samantha wonders who they call him. Deanna doesn't care, and Jack confirms that Amara is with him and they're in harmony. Jack refuses to go back to the bunker with them their home, saying that he's already everywhere. When Samantha wonders if Jack is God, Jack says that he'll be around in everything. Deanna says that everyone is looking to Jack for answers, and Jack tells the sisters that the answer's are within everyone... someday. All they need to know is that Jack is part of them. Jack assures the sisters that he won't be hands on, and he won't write himself into the story the way Chuck did. Jack says goodbye and walks away, then disappears. Back at the bunker, Samantha and Deanna drink beer's and talk about how quiet it is. Deanna offers a toast to everyone they lost along the way, and Samantha notes that they get to write their own story instead of Chuck. Deanna figures they're finally free, and the sisters leave together.

  (Jack says goodbye to the Winchester sisters. )

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