(God. )

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   (Metatron sees God again. )


Chapter three:

From the second of her release, God hid himself in a bar he created to be the safest place in all of creation. He was willing to let Amara have her time to shine, but was ultimately convincing to come out of hiding by Metatron. God then planned to surrender himself to Amara, but that plan was thrown aside by Deanna, who wanted God to stand up and fight.

   (Amara tortures Lucifer. )


   (God heals Lucifer. )

    Amara had, for some time, captured Lucifer in hopes of using him to lure God towards her, as she understood him to be God's most beloved son. Lucifer was exclusively tortured for weeks. Samantha and Deanna arranged a rescue mission and succeeded in bringing Lucifer back to the bunker, where God healed, and subsequently reconciled with, him.

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