(Jack becomes the new God. )

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Chapter fifteen:

The Winchesters get up again, and Chuck beats them some more. Despite his advice to stand down and give up, they keep getting up and Chuck keeps beating them. After becoming bloodied, Chuck mocks the sisters on the sad attempt. However, the pair get up and smile. Chuck wonders why, and Samantha tells him he loses.

Chuck turns and sees that Jack recovered, glaring at Chuck. Chuck tries to destroy him, but his finger snapping doesn't work. Jack approaches and grabs his Grandfather by the head and unleashes divine might. After a minute, Chuck collapses to the ground. With a snap, Jack heals the Winchesters sisters injuries, while restoring the world. Samantha picks up the open book. Deanna tells him that they won, as Chuck asked if it was in his book and Samantha shows him the open Book. Chuck finds the pages blank, and the Winchesters pointed out that only Death can read it, so they came up with a Plan B.

  (Jack absorbs his Grandfather's powers and becomes the new God. )

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