(Finding a miracle. )

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Chapter ten:

The trio follow Jack's senses to a gas station. Deanna finds a dog. She names it Miracle and shows it to Samantha, and suggests that there might also be people who survived Chuck's purge. Deanna puts Miracle in the Impala and says that he's the best thing that happened in the last few days. The dog disappears, and Chuck waves to Deanna from a nearby field.

    (God kills Miracle the dog. )

   As the trio drive back to the Impala, Deanna complains they can't even save a dog. Jack directs them to a church, and says that the presence he's picking up is in or near the church.

     (The Archangel Michael. )

They go in and finds the archangel Michael waiting for them. Michael says that he took refuge in the church when the rupture began, and says that he's avoided using any powers that might draw Chuck's attention. He admits that Chuck exterminated Adam, and Deanna explains that Chuck left them alive out of a sense of humor. Michael has been reading through the Bible, and says that he's made sure that all the angels and prophets burnished Chuck's images on Earth. The archangel asks them what they need him to do. They go to the bunker and Samantha shows Michael the Death Book about God. The trio hope that he can read it, but Michael was unable to do so.

Supernatural. Glorious Appearing. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin