☾32-City Of Stars☽

Start from the beginning

When they finished the song Freya ran out of the room with tears on her cheeks leaving Jay confused.

When she sang she imagined singing with Eli. They used to watch La La Land together. They used to have conversations about how they wanted to sing that song to their anniversary because it was their song.

Lorenzo knowing what was happening ran out looking for her.

"I could hold it anymore"

He turned around to see that Freya was on a balcony.

"You thought of him didn't you?"

She nodded not meeting his gaze.

"And you still love him"

She nodded again but this time turning around to meet his chocolate brown eyes.

"But it's his fault! He decided to go all hulk on Demetri and I warned him! He didn't have to start that fight! Like he didn't care our relationship was going to end"

Lorenzo sighed "why did you pick this song if you knew it will hurt you"

"Because we didn't have much time and that was the easiest"

"Look of course you miss him. He's your first love after all people say that one hurts the most"

Freya snorted "yeah no shit- I'm sorry when I'm sad or mad I get really sarcastic"

"Do I look like I just met you? Freya, I know you better than you know yourself and yes I know because it looks like you're mad and sad all the time"

"Thank you bestie" she sarcastically said.

"I think you need to tell Jay. He deserves to know. You ran out of there like you had to take a shit and couldn't hold it anymore" he said with a grin on his face.

"Ew oh my god that's disgusting- and should I really I don't know"

He nodded "yeah I'm sure- I mean do you like him?"

"Yeah I do"

"Then there we go tell the poor boy and when you're ready go back to class"

"Thank you Enzo," she said hugging him. He hugged his best friend back and smiled.

"Of course dummy now come on" with that he left.

Before she could go back her phone started ringing. It was an unknown number.


"Freya?" The voice asked.

"Yeah. Who's this?"

"Oh yeah, it's Moon! Sam gave me your number"

"Oh hi Moon what's up"

"I'm calling you to tell you that I'm throwing a party! You should come! And bring anyone you want!"

"Oh of sure thank you, Moon!"

"Of course! Yeah, see you later then! Bye"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now