Chapter 8

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"Hello Gabriel," Beezlebub replied. Creeping out from behind her came Ligur.

"What are you doing here?" Crowley asked in surprise.

"He came to get me after your little visit." Beezlebub replied in his stead.
"Gabriel this is enough of this nonsense." The Demon Lord spoke.

"Nonsense? Angels and Demons are not supposed to be together. You know that as well as I! It's the reason demons are not capable of love! She made you creatures that way!" These words stung at Aziraphale. Was it true that the Almighty had intentionally made it this way?

"Demons are just as capable of love as Angels are!"

"Oh yes, because you'd know anything about love!" Gabriel snapped sarcastically.

"I'M SORRY!" Beezlebub screamed.
"I'm sorry okay!? I didn't intentionally not love you! You think it doesn't pain me that I hurt you? I didn't just wake up one day and decide I wanted to break your heart!"

"Then why did you lead me on for so long!?"

"I thought I did. I didn't understand. I thought I loved you. But I didn't realize, what I was feeling, it wasn't as strong as love." Another stab entered Aziraphale's chest as new fears entered his mind. Crowley shouldn't be able to love again. What if what Crowley was feeling wasn't really love this time? The Angel didn't realize he had tightened his grip around his demon. Crowley however, could clearly see the distraught look on his Angel's face. Aziraphale wondered if he could cope living without Crowley's love again. He wouldn't want to. It was the only time where losing memories of loving someone was a blessing. And at that thought, the angel's eyes widened.

"You... You still love her?" Aziraphale whispered, looking towards Gabriel, whose own eyes widened.


"Is that true Gabriel?" Beezlebub asked in a gentler voice. Gabriel was struck silent. Quietly, Aziraphale found his footing back on the ground, followed by Crowley, and took a few steps towards the archangel.

"It's really not jealousy is it?" Aziraphale spoke quietly.
"You really do honestly believe you're protecting me. You truly think that there's no other option but for Angels and demons to be separate." Gabriel silently stared at Aziraphale, unable to speak a word.
"I understand. If the one person you love most in the world can't love you, what's the point in existing?" Gabriel took a shaky breath back.
"Gabriel, let me help you. I can take this pain away if you'll let me?" Gabriel's violet eyes had turned glassy. And with an almost imperceptible motion, he nodded. Aziraphale stepped up to him, placing a hand over his eyes. Before doing anything he whispered:
"Thank you for always protecting me Gabriel." With that, he pulled out all the memories of love he had ever felt for the demon lord beezlebub. He turned the memories to stardust and released them into the sky for them to make their new homes.
"Find peace now Gabriel." With that, he fell to the ground, to have a long and well needed sleep.

"Will he be okay?" The Demon Lord asked.

"He'll probably sleep for a few days, but he'll be alright." The angel informed.

"Very well."

"Hey Aziraphale?" The forgotten voice of Ligur murmured hesitantly. The angel faced him.
"Michael thought you might be able to fix us. Is it true?" Aziraphale sighed before turning back to the tree behind him.

"Honestly... I don't know." Aziraphale plucked a shiny apple from the tree of knowledge, no longer afraid of the almighty's rules. He tossed the fruit into Ligur's hands.
"But if it's worth it, then give it a try." Ligur stared at the apple. Aziraphale understood Ligur's hesitation. Why would anyone ever risk going against the almighty just because they were told they used to love someone? Ligur looked up at Aziraphale and asked the most painful question he had ever heard.

"Is love... Worth it?" Pain radiated through the angel as his arms and wings wrapped around himself.

"Love hurts. It creates sadness and anger and grief that nobody else can ever fully understand. It's difficult. It's powerful and it's controlling. But it is worth all of that. It's something that once you've had, you can't live without." Aziraphale paused.
"You have a gift right now. A choice. You can choose to bring it back or to live your life without it. And if you choose the latter, that's okay. It's understandable. But only you can choose what you want to do." Ligur looked hesitant. He kept staring at the apple as though there were some hidden scripture on there that held the answer.

"True love is so hard to find," Beezlebub chimed in.
"If you have the chance to have it, you should take it." Looking between his Lord and the apple, Ligur leaned down and bit in. For several seconds he froze before stumbling backwards. He looked around before announcing:

"I have to go find Michael!" With that, he shot into the air and was quickly out of sight.

"I should leave as well." Beezlebub spoke.

"Thank you once again. I owe you more than I could ever repay." Aziraphale responded. Beezlebub nodded once workout another word and disappeared into the ground below. Aziraphale was still struggling to find his courage to turn around and look at Crowley.

"Angel?" The demon whispered, gently resting a hand on his shoulder.

"The same goes for you, you know Crowley," Aziraphale said quietly.

"Do you... Not want me to eat the apple?"

"Crowley... The forbidden fruit it'll either bring back all the love you once had for me. Or it'll only bring back the memories. All those times together. Both good and bad. But it won't change the future."

"Angel..." Suddenly, the Angel experienced a sense of weariness. He stumbled back and pushed his hand onto the tree of life to support him. Crowley rushed to his side, placing his hands either side of the angel to steady him.
"What's wrong?" Crowley spoke quickly.

"Sorry dear. I... I'm exhausted."

"Angel... Let me take you home." Aziraphale weakly smiled, turning deathly pale.

"I'm still a cherub dear." The Serpent grumbled. Crowley looked up for an answer, and he found it.

"The tree of life." He spoke quietly.

"What was that dear?"

"When we leave the garden, you'll turn back right? The holy flame will still be there?"


"If you eat from the tree of life, it'll save you." Aziraphale looked up at the tree. Crowley didn't need to be psychic to know what the angel was thinking.
"Angel... I won't let you fall."

"I'm not sure I'd care if I did anymore." Crowley hugged his angel from behind, holding him tightly against his chest.

"Even if you did, I'd love you."  Aziraphale turned around to face Crowley. His palm reached up and rested on the Demon's cheek. Crowley hummed softly, closing his eyes at the pleasure of the coolness. Slowly, the angel shuffled his other hand up and gently pulled off the Demon's dark glasses. A small smile lit the angel's face at the sight of his love's golden eyes. The angel's thumb gently stroked Crowley's cheek.

"I've missed you." He whispered softly. The Demon's hand covered his own. Small droplets pooled below the golden eyes. Aziraphale pulled away, reaching up to the tree of life, he plucked it's, and it's sister tree's fruit.
"Shall we go home?" He whispered. Crowley nodded, taking the angel's hand.

When You Loved Me - Aziraphale X Crowley (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now