Chapter 11

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"Hey Angel!" Crowley heard himself say as he watched through his dream scape as he ran through St James park towards the Angel with a grin. He watched as the biggest smile lit up Aziraphale's face. The angel's glow was more prominent than he'd ever remembered seeing it.

"Crowley dear, what brings you here?"

"They've just released the new exhibit in the gallery!"

"And it interests you does it?" Crowley looked giddy.

"The theme is angels and demons in love!" Aziraphale laughed at that and took Crowley's hand.

"Well we definitely can't miss that!" He replied with laughter still outlining his voice.


"You warm enough Angel?" Crowley asked as all his limbs surrounded the blond while a large blanket covered them both and they sat on the floor in front of a cracking fireplace.

"Mmm." Aziraphale replied, leaning further into Crowley's chest. The angel craned his neck around and closed his lips around the red head's. When the Angel turned back to the fire, Crowley's lips found themselves in the crook of the Angel's neck.

"I love you." He whispered.

"My dearest, I love you too."


Crowley laughed as he watched Aziraphale clinging onto dear life as the Demon raced his speedy horse through the woods while the Angel gripped onto his waist.

The Angel let out a small yelp as the steed flew through the sky over several boulders that blocked their path.

Eventually the two had reached their destination. A small clearing close to a clear stream. Aziraphale remained tightly attached to the demon as he dismounted the horse.

Crowley chuckled once more before picking up the Angel bridal style and walking him over to a newly miracled blanket on the ground. Gently he rested the Angel on the blanket, before laying down next to him.

"You're adorable," Crowley giggled, looking at the Angel. Aziraphale raised an eyebrow, before attacking and lying himself over the demon in a fluid motion.

"Am I just?" He asked before leaning down and kissing the demon whose hands had fallen onto Aziraphale's hips.

Slowly the demon reopened his eyes.

"I love you." He told the Angel. Aziraphale stroked the Demon's cheek, who moaned in content.

"I love you Crowley."


Crowley appeared in the doorway of Aziraphale's bookshop. He looked distraught. His eyes puffy and red as fresh tears fell from them. His lips trembled and body shook.

The Angel appeared from behind his shelves when the sight of his demon had him dropping the books to the ground and rushing to Crowley's side with widened eyes. The Angel checked him over head to toe before asking.

"Oh my dearest, what's happened?" A sob left the demon who landed in Aziraphale's arms. Aziraphale held him tightly, his fingers combing the hair at the top of the redhead's neck.

The sadness at seeing his demon like this was clear on the angel's face. With a slight angelic miracle seeping through his fingers, Aziraphale sent through as much peace as he could muster to the demon.


"It's okay my dear. Whatever it is, it'll be okay."

"No... No..." Aziraphale let out a breath before pulling away, just enough to look into Crowley's eyes.

"Crowley." He spoke firmly yet gently. "No matter what, I love you. Nothing is going to change that. Whatever has happened, we'll sort it out together."

"We can't."

"Tell me what's happened sweetheart."

"They made be burn the church. Zira, there were still people inside!" Aziraphale gasped. Crowley expected the Angel to pull away, but instead, Aziraphale pulled him in even tighter than before.

"Listen," Aziraphale murmured into his ear. "I know as well as you that hell has always been cruel. I also know that they have control over you in ways I can't understand. But this doesn't make you a bad person Crowley. I know you didn't want to do that. I know how much it must be torturing you, but you listen to me. I love you. I don't blame you. Don't you dare blame yourself." Crowley pulled away to look into the angel's deadly serious eyes.

"How? You're an angel? How can you still look at me and even say that you love me after what I just did?"

"Oh Crowley. Sweetheart. Do you really believe I think so little of you to imagine you being able to do this without being under hell's control? Dear, I know you, sometimes better than I know myself. This wasn't you. You may feel it and you may remember it, but in the end, they're the ones who had the control over your corporation to do it."

"I don't want to be like this anymore." Aziraphale watched the Demon's eyes closely as he thought.

"Let's go away for a little while Crowley. And while we do, we'll find a way to break their control." With a sniffle, the demon nodded. Aziraphale gave a small reassuring smile as he wiped away the Demon's tears. A look of determination filled his eyes. Determination to protect his demon.


A light yelp escaped the demon as the blond used his angelic speed and power to twist the Demon onto his back on the bed.

Aziraphale caged Crowley within his limbs, leaving no room for escape. A gentle smile highlighted the Demon's face as he stared into the sky blue eyes before him. He gently raised his hand and rested it on Aziraphale's cheek. The angel slightly tilted his head to brush a kiss on the side of the Demon's palm.

The contentment Crowley felt was like nothing he'd ever felt. Even as an angel. It was a feeling he didn't feel he deserved. Aziraphale could see the Demon's thoughts, written as clearly as the words in a book, on the redhead's face. The Angel gave a whisper of a smile before he spoke.

"You are my everything. Everything I have belongs to you. And neither you nor anyone else can dispute that. You are the love of my entire existence. So never doubt your worth Crowley. Especially not to me. Because to me you are everything."

The demon wanted to cry in happiness. He refused. No, instead the demon pulled the angel down onto his body and tightly wrapped his arms around him before kissing him desperately.

Gently, the angel's hand slithered under the Demon's shirt, causing Crowley to shudder. Aziraphale deepened the kiss and stroked his hands along the Demon's body, eventually pushing the shirt over his head.

"A-angel," the demon moaned.

"I love you Crowley," Aziraphale whispered. A desperate whimper escaped from the redhead's lips. Aziraphale gently pulled away.
"Let me show you my love for you."

Crowley nodded with immense need. Aziraphale leaned back down and kissed the Demon's jaw. He moves his hands down Crowley's body, learning every indent and every curve and saving it to his memory eternally. Aziraphale moulded his body around his demon's. He made the demon shiver and moan and plead at his angel.

The Angel wasn't going to rest until he had shown every inch of Crowley's body how much it was adored. He wouldn't consider stopping until he had filled the demon with the very love Aziraphale felt for him. And Crowley could sense the angel's own desperate need to convey how much he loved his demon. And as Aziraphale moved their bodies together and intertwined their souls, Crowley felt, with out a doubt, the irrevocable, irreversible and ineffable love that the angel held for him.

When You Loved Me - Aziraphale X Crowley (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now