Chapter 3

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Dinner was as it always had been: light, friendly and enjoyable. Crowley wouldn't accept anything less. Though the Angel's mind kept churning, even he could see how hard the demon was trying to calm him.

Crowley very rarely ate. He didn't enjoy it as much as Aziraphale. He only joined the angel in his dinings to show he cared. Aziraphale was well aware of this. No matter how many times the demon took the angel out for a meal, Aziraphale always knew that it was just Crowley being nice.

This time was no exception. The redhead desperately wanted to do anything in his power to get the angel back into that blissful state he had been in only just that morning.

"I'm sorry I kept all of this from you." Aziraphale muttered, staring way too intently at the wine glass he swirled in his hand. Crowley shrugged.

"Wasn't much else you could do." The demon replied. Seeing the angel still not looking at him, he tried to lighten the mood.
"Anyway, how is it possible that I saw Ligur in that bed?" This grabbed the Angel's attention.
"I splashed holy water on him. I watched him burn? How was he with Michael?"

"Ah... Yes.... Well... About that... When I created it... I miracled the holy water I gave you with a failsafe. So that if it got on you, I could undo it."

"You lied to me?" The demon asked, looking surprised.

"No, no of course not. I just... Added something extra." The angel let out a breath. "I'm sorry okay? I just... I couldn't stand the thought of losing you. And you were so determined. I just wanted to keep you safe." Crowley couldn't blame the angel. He would've done the same if the roles were reversed.

"Okay but why did you bring Ligur back?"

"I know you probably don't want to believe it, but he's been on our side since the start. He was only in your apartment to save you from Hastur. He was just playing the game."

"What? Why?" Aziraphale smiled.

"He loved Michael. He wanted to create a world where he could be with her."

"But Michael tried to destroy us!"

"She didn't know about any of this until later. When she found out, she left heaven to live on Earth with Ligur."

"... Right."

"Try not to be too Harsh on them. Especially not now." The demon sighed.

"Will they have a chance?"

"I sincerely hope so." The Angel murmured.

"Do we?" Aziraphale looked up into Crowley's desperate eyes. Searching them desperately for an answer. Seeking out the truth they both so desperately needed.

"I love you so deeply and so completely Crowley. And I always will. But I will never again allow that love to hurt you. I'm not... I just... I know you can't remember it... But You recovered from it so quickly... While I..." Crowley's eyes widened in understanding.

"You go too fast for me." Crowley mimicked the words that had been spoken when they had seen each other again. Aziraphale looked down and nodded. Crowley took Aziraphale's hand in his own.
"I will wait Angel. As long as it takes. I will never give up on us. So please my Angel, don't give up either." Tears fell rapidly from the Angel's face.

"But I... I don't want to hurt you!"

"Then just stay with me. That's all you need to do."

"Always. Always my dear. I'll always stay by your side." The angel replied. "but that doesn't mean I'll risk a repeat."

"Angel..." Aziraphale raised his hand to stop the Serpent.

"I've had enough Crowley," Aziraphale spoke dryly as he rose from his chair leaving the money for his meal on the table. "I'm going to retire to the bookshop. You are still more than welcome to join me, should you so desire." With those words, the principality turned on his feet and left. The demon was stuck. In his place, unsure of what to do. He just stared at the door his love had left through. Crowley didn't know what to do anymore. He wanted to remember the past. He wanted to know what Aziraphale went through. But most of all, he wanted a future with his angel. Quietly and nervously, the demon raised his head to the sky.

"Please... Help me," he whispered. With that, he stood up and walked out, not yet sure where to go. After aimlessly walking for a fair amount of time, the demon finally found himself back outside the bookshop. The angel didn't even hear the little jingle as the front door opened. He didn't notice as the demon slithered up beside him. And certainly didn't say anything as Crowley wrapped himself around the puffy-eyed angel and gently stroked his hair. Crowley couldn't stand seeing his angel in such a state. Aziraphale chuckled humorlessly.

"I'm sorry my dear, I don't mean to dampen the mood." The demon kissed the Angel's temple.

"Don't apologise. Just listen to me sweetheart." Aziraphale tensed as he flashed through all the times his demon had called him that in the past. "We can still be together. Nobody can stop us. Neither of us need sex. And if giving it up is the price, than it's an easy one to pay. But I do need you. And how could I ever stay away when I know you feel the same?"

"And how could I stay knowing I'm taking away something you enjoy? You wouldn't take food or books away from me, how could you expect me to take this away from you?"

"Because all of those things I enjoy: driving in the Bentley; drinking good wine; sex... None of them mean a thing compared to you."

"Crowley..." Crowley pulled Aziraphale back.

"No. No Angel. No more arguing. I'm not leaving. I'm here to stay."

When You Loved Me - Aziraphale X Crowley (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now