Chapter 2

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"He'll probably sleep for a few days." Aziraphale told Michael as they walked out towards the cliffs, staring out at the resting sea before them. The strong breeze preventing any warmth from remaining within them.

"How did you find out about all of this?" Michael queried. The angel sighed lightly.

"Crowley and I decided to go away for a while. We escaped to Egypt for a few months. Hell had just asked Crowley to do something he couldn't stand the thought of doing and I couldn't bare to see him so upset anymore. So we sold our house and went to Cairo. We had spent about three beautiful months there together before we decided to try. We made love that night. And it was wonderful and magical and perfect in every way. I couldn't have dreamt a more perfect night. But the next morning, I woke to find Crowley as you found Ligur. His skin boiling, his power gone and his eyes pale. I tried everything, from miracles to potions to human medicine. Nothing worked and he only got worse." Tears fell from the Angel's face as he recalled what happened.
"I went to beezlebub and lay my wings down before her and begged for her help. After hearing what had happened, she agreed and told me what to do." Crowley couldn't help but feel his own heart aching at what he heard from the distance he kept.

"But why? Why did she help you?" Aziraphale found himself looking out to the sea, his eyes glazing over with a distant past.

"There was a time, well and truly before the rebellion, where Angels and demons were considered equals. Back then it wasn't uncommon for alliances and friendships and even the odd relationship between the two sides. One of those relationships being between Gabriel and Beezlebub. The two attempted to make love... But when Beezlebub didn't get sick, Gabriel accused her of not loving him."

"Did she?" Aziraphale turned back face the archangel.

"You can't force yourself to love someone you don't."

"Wait, does that mean Gabriel knew she'd die if they did it?" Aziraphale nodded slowly.

"After that Gabriel locked the demons out of heaven claiming that they were too impure. Beezlebub shut down hell claiming that angels were too focused on God's love to care about anything else. From that it just escalated into a war. When really it's just a story an angel who's heart was broken and a demon who feels guilty for letting it happen."

"How come you know this but I don't?"

"The cherubim know all things of the universe."

"But you're a principality?"

"I wasn't always. When I left the Eastern gate, it was because I had been demoted. I did a few things that went against God's will and lost my status as a result. I can remember everything from before I was demoted but I no longer have the infinite knowledge I once held.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh don't be, I don't regret it for a moment."

"Aziraphale, before I go, can I ask you one more question." The angel nodded.

"Does it still hurt you? Being alone?" The angel looked down.

"Not a day goes by where it doesn't. It hurts knowing what could have been. And on top of that... There are nights where I can't sleep because all I can hear are his screams. It does hurt Michael. And I dare say it always will. But it's still worth it." Michael nodded before expanding her brilliant white wings and disappearing into the dusk. The demon watching didn't even notice the tears falling from his eyes. Once the archangel disappeared, he emerged from his hiding space, rapidly engulfing the angel in his arms.


"C... Crowley!?" Aziraphale exclaimed in wide eyed shock. "D... Did you...."

"Please don't say anything Angel. Not yet. Just let me hold you." Aziraphale let out a breath. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around his demon's back. For almost an hour they just clung to each other. It felt natural. Right. Of course why wouldn't it? They'd done it hundreds of times. Even if only one could remember it. Eventually they pulled apart, just enough that Aziraphale could search through Crowley's eyes.
"Is it true?"

When You Loved Me - Aziraphale X Crowley (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now