1. Monologues of the Characters

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Meredith POV:

Hey I'm Meredith Webber. I'm a second year resident here at Seattle Grace Hospital and my mom Ellis Grey is the Chief here. My dad works here too he's the chief of general surgery. My real fathers name is Tatcher Grey I think. He left like when I was I think 3 years old and I can't really remember him. Since I can remember my mom is with my dad Richard Webber. They got married when I was 1 year old a he legally adopted me. My mom didn't want me to be known as the daughter of the great Ellis Grey so they managed to get me his name and I'm okay with that. The things I can remember from my father was that he was cold and always smelled kinda weird. He also hit me once or twice and pushed me when I didn't do what he said when I was at his house. When I was 3 he just disappeared and I honestly don't know where he is and don't really care. He never was my dad, Richard always was.

I graduated Highschool and college at the top of my class and so did I in medical school. Now I'm a second year resident and get to work with my best friend April Kepner and my fiancé Alex Karev. I met them both at college and I made Alex a better man. My mom didn't like him at first but know he really loves him. I really love him and I can't wait to get married. I want to keep my name though....

Derek POV:

I'm Derek Shepherd the Head of neuro at SGH. I work here with my wife Addison Shepherd and we're expecting a baby. We're married for 11 years now and I honestly always wanted kids. But our relationship isn't really the best. We've been avoiding each other or I'm avoiding her because I know that we can't stand each other anymore and I'm to exhausted to fight all the time so I just stay at the Hospital and make double shifts or a go out and sleep in the trailer. She hates that thing and that Land but I love it. I always wanted to built us a house out there but she would rather live in the city. She's about 8 1/2 months pregnant now. I really want this kid but I'm not saure I want to raise it with HER. But I want the best for it so I will just suck it up and try to make things work. Maybe this kid will get us back together and maybe I will learn to love her again?

I hate teaching though. All this little interns and residents who think just because they graduated medical school means they're a doctor. The most bad ones are the second year residents this year. Yang is just scary, Webber is just annoying and think she gets everything she wants just because her mom is Ellis grey, April kepner is just to happy and that karev guy is just a perv. So with them and all the other annoying people around my day at work is pretty annoying and exhausting. I'm always in a bad mood and nobody really talks me with the exaption of Richard Webber. He was my teacher and always told me that Addison was not good for me or my career but I wouldn't listen. Now he think he was right...

Karev POV:

Hey I'm Alex Karev Meredith Webber's fiancé. My life was pretty screwed up until I met her and April. Since we're together she always tried to be there for me and when she wasn't April was. Meredith is a sweet little girl and I really need her, to become a surgeon here. After a year of dating her it was becoming a little boring and her friend always talked about how she was still a vergin and it just happend. Now it happens at least twice a week and Meredith still doesn't know. And I know that it was stupid to propose and it was stupid to cheat but April is so much more fun but I need to keep Meredith so what was I supposed to do? I really hope she will never find out because if she did I would loose my job and the Ellis grey would destroy my carrier. So that can't happen...

Hey so I know it's a Little Short but that's just the beginning to let you know how their lives are at the moment. The next chapter will pretty much just be 8x13 so we will have a clean start and you don't have to watch it again to remember what happened. Let me you what you think this far. Lot of love :)

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