"Here's what we have on the Red K" Alaia said, moving to present a screen on the computer that displayed a bunch of words.

Lena moved towards the computer, leaning forward as her hands held the chair that Alaia sat on,reading through the list, slowly getting a grasp on what it was and the effects it had on the Super heroine.

"I see" Lena said as she leaned back.

"Mhm. I can't figure anything out. Do you have any ideas?" Alaia asked.

"We'll need a sample of Red Kryptonite."

"And unfortunately we have a lack of that." Alaia apologetically frowned.

"Maybe if we have a sample of regular Kryptonite we could try to create Red K ourselves and use that as a sample" Winn suggested.

"Yes, that could work!" Lena said.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Chris said.

"Yea, what if Supergirl manages to get her hands on it and uses it on her cousin? She'd have an ally and she'd be certain to actually defeat us" Alaia said, pushing up the glasses that rested on her nose.

"She makes a point..." Winn said

"We'll guard it."

"Against a pissed off Kryptonian? That's a death wish" Chris said.

"If we can extract some of the DNA pattern of a regular Kryptonite, considering it holds it's similarities to that of what we are trying to heal, we could create a weapon that will fight against Kryptonite. Then add something else, something stronger than what was added in the previous formula, to enhance it and create a theoretical weapon for the Red Kryptonite." Lena suggested.

"Yes! We could add a dose of regular Kryptonite into it! What better to defeat a type of Kryptonite than levelling it with it's own substance? But it can't be too strong so we should inject out formula into the genetical pattern of regular Kryptonite." Alaia clicked her fingers in an almost victory.

"As soon as she comes into contact with the Kryptonite, she'll immediately fall weak but our own substance will also enter her system, ridding her of the Red Kryptonite in her system. We'll need to move the Kryptonite quickly so it doesn't kill her. We should attempt to liquidate the substance in Supergirl's red sun lamps and inject it into the cure as well." Winn suggested.

"Exactly how theoretical is this though?" Chris asked.

"We won't know until we use it." Winn shrugged.

"What if this doesn't work and someone gets hurt in her rage?" Chris asked.

"The red sun will affect her, long enough for her to be in a state of power lossage, temporarily of course. That will be enough time to figure out whether it's worked or not and if it hasn't, she'll be take into DEO custody and we'll have more time to think of another cure." Alaia said.

"We can turn it into a weapon though. It'll be easier to neutralise the effects in her system if we can shoot it at her from afar. That way, we won't need to keep it close to her for too long" Winn said


"Theoretical is all we can get for now." Lena said.

"Chris, it will be fine. We can handle it and control ourselves" Alaia said.

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm" Alaia reassuringly smiled.


"Supergirl!" Barry yelled out, dressed from head to toe in his hero outfit.

"Supergirl, I know you can hear me!" He yelled again, a rough breeze passing him as a figure crashed into the ground behind him.

"What do you want?" Kara asked in a cold tone.

Barry slowly turned around, seeing the damage Kara's landing had caused into the ground.


"Come to rethink my proposition?" Kara smirked.

"Actually? No." Barry said.

"Then you must have a death wish. You are right in my grasp. I could easily hurt you."

"But you don't want to" Barry said.

"Oh please. Don't test me."

"Supergirl, listen to yourself! You were affected by a substance called Red Kryptonite. It's making you... do things you don't wanna do!" Barry said, cautiously and slowly inching towards Kara.

"Oh I've never felt more free in my life! That's what you want? To take away my freedom, isn't it? So you can have that sense of superiority. Well guess what! That's not going to work, no matter how much you try to stop me."

"Supergirl, I'm not going to hurt you." Barry said.

"Oh? Is that why you brought a puppet instead?" Kara asked, Barry shooting her a confused yet panicked look.

"Cut the crap, I can hear her heartbeat from here. Her breathing." Kara said, hovering before quickly flying away.

Coming back, she landed with Alex.

"Alex!" Barry said, a look of fear written across Alex' face.

"Nuh uh!" Kara smirked as Barry tried stepping closer, her taking a step back as opposed to his actions, clutching Alex' arm tighter. It only caused her to groan in pain. Barry stopped, standing as he put his hands up in protest.

"Don't hurt her Kara." Barry said.

"I'm willing to hurt anyone who gets in my way."

"Even your own sister?" Barry asked.

"She's not my sister. She never was. We don't have the same blood running through us. She's always tried to outshine me, haven't you Alex? Suppress my true beauty. Covering me in those ugly sweaters to hide my beauty so I wouldn't outshine yours. You've always hated me, deep down. Haven't you?"

"Kara, no. You know I love you, you're my sister!"

"Does it go through one ear and out the other?" Kara rolled her eyes.

"Kara, come with us to the DEO. We can help you."

"I don't need help. I don't want it."

"Well, we gave you the option" Alex muttered in pain. Kara had a look of confusion written across her face before she blacked out, a beam hitting her from behind.

A/N: I was literally so close to not writing this because I was 'too tired to think of ideas'. But meh.

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