Needing You (Sweden Ending)

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Welps. Yup. Meh. I am so so so fuckin' sorry. I go really stuck between my stories. As soon as I am done with the next chapter and published it, I'll try to finish my NaLu book. And then I'll go back here....and after publishing the next one, I'll finish my Jelsa book :3 and get back here again!

Random fact: I love yaoi incest//slapped.


It's been three days since you three have talked about the incident. You were annoyed, for some unknown reason. But it wasn't really unknown. By now, you already knew what was that reason and you hated it. Hated the fact that you liked them both, still is.

As you climbed in the car, you shifted gear and drove off quickly, not even looking back. After the long drive, you finally reached your destination, frowning. Closing the engine, it roared one last time before it became speechless. You get out of the car, looking at the house. Sighing, you went to the front porch and knocked with shivering fingers.

The door opened, and you saw your mom, standing with a sweet smile.


You smile and hug her. "I missed you." Laughing, she continues to hug you. "I missed you too, honey..." Nodding and letting go of her, you kiss her cheek. "Where's papa?" She pulls you by the arm and leads you towards a man sitting on a couch, sleeping. Grinning, you hug the man behind, which earned you a gasp.

He looks back, frowning. "Don't do that!" But his frown was quickly replaced with a smile as he hugs you back while you kissed his cheek. "I missed you, (pet name)." You laughed and gripped his hand tightly. "I did too, I did." Sitting beside him, you open the television and ate (favorite dish) cooked by your mom.

"Why did you pass by? You just don't go here without problems."

Pouting, you look at them softly. "Well, I came for mom exactly...but.." Your papa pouts back to you. "Tell me toooooo!" He whines and you laugh, nodding. "Um, mom, have you ever...liked two boys at the same time?" Your dad spits what he's drinking and looks at you, surprised. Your mother chuckles at this.

"Who are these boys?!"

"Oh, honey, yes I did."

Your father looked at your mother, wide-eyed. Your mother just continue smiling and nodded to you, grinning. Looking at your mom, you smile nervously. "H-How did you choose father then?" You asked shyly and your mother laughed.

"It wasn't hard."

Confusion was clear on your face.

"I chose him because he makes me happy."

Your father grumbled something which made you laugh so hard.

"Happy wife, happy life.."

Your mother slapped him on the shoulder, but laughing too. All of you laughed, enjoying your laughter resonating. It was awesome. You haven't laughed so hard for three days. Your smile dropped and your laugh silenced. You watched your parents laugh and you smile softly.

~Time Skip~

You came home smelling delicious food. You knew they had cooked for you again. You climbed out of the car and was greeted by smiles. It was Berwald and Tino, who was smiling courteously at you. You laugh bitterly.

"I'm still not over it, okay? But...."

Gulping, you try for a smile. "Let's just eat." They were sad, that's the right one. Sighing, they nodded and lead you to the table, where many dishes of food were there. It looked delicious, but it was really delicious.

HETALIA x READER [͜͡R͜͡E͜͡Q͜͡U͜͡E͜͡S͜͡T͜͡S͜͡ C͜͡L͜͡O͜͡S͜͡E͜͡D͜͡]͜͡Where stories live. Discover now