"Yeah..." I shrug rubbing my eyes in exhaustion. Johnny smiles brightly and does a really little "yay."

"The house will be quiet for once!" He jokes, giving me a push and happily dancing off.
I laugh a little and roll my eyes, "I hate you."

Before he left, I heard him call out "Love you too. Have fun."

See? He's not that bad. Just a moody teenager who lives in his bedroom and hates people.
I walk back into my bedroom and stare down at all the luggage I had packed for this trip. Let's just say it was a lot.

One suitcase went in my left, one in my right, my duffle strapped across my shoulder, and my extra bag on my other.

Hey, I need three months worth of clothes and supplies. Don't judge me.


After eating breakfast, and making sure I had absolutely everything, I stood by the entrance and waited for Dad to finish. He was my ride to the station.

I believe Louis is riding a different train than me... god I really hope he is. I do not want to start this day by spending four hours next to him.

I could hear my father in the kitchen, brewing some coffee and probably grabbing out a pastry.

"Dad?" I whisper yell, slightly getting annoyed by how long he was taking. The train leaves at seven thirty. It's already seven ten. And it's a ten minute drive up.

"Coming," I hear him whisper yell back.

"Ready kiddo?" I hear him walk up behind me with the jangle of his keys and the slurp of his coffee.
"Yeah," I yawn, "let's go."


We arrive at the station with around ten minutes to go, and parked the car in the lot. Though it was May, and the sky was clear and sunny, the wind cooled me a bit as I shivered.

There was a familiar car next to us, which I'm almost positive I've seen at school before, but I ignore it.
I open the back seat and pull out my suitcases and luggage.
"Y/n..." I hear Dad say with a smile from the front seat, "I love you alright? Have fun with this."
I give him a smile and a nod. As much as it hurt to leave, I was really excited.

"I love you too dad. I'll miss you! Bye!" I chuckle, getting everything out and then waving as dad pulls away while taking a bite out from his pastry.

I'll miss him. I'll miss them all so much.

I struggle to carry everything, tripping and trying to get comfortable with all my bags.
"Okay so this is great," I scoff, trying to carry the duffel bag over my shoulder.

"Need help?" I hear a deep and chilling British tone ask from behind me.
Oh great.
I shake my head and clear my throat, "I'm just fine thank you."

Louis smiles and slightly rolls his eyes, "Now don't be ridiculous. Why do you have four things in the first place?"
I scoff and throw my bag over my shoulder again.

"The real question is why do you only have two?"

"Cause I'm a guy."

I sigh and looks back up at him with a grimace on my face, "Good point."

The boy doesn't give up. Instead, he simply walks over and without asking, takes one of my suitcases and the duffel bag.
"Louis!" I scold, trying to snatch them back but he's too strong.

"Y/n you gotta start letting people help you out. That's all I'm trying to do. Now do you want it or not?"

I quickly look away from those hypnotizing eyes of his, and switch down to my bags. Back to him. Back to my bags.
"No. I can do this all myself."

The boy smirks and let's go of my things, allowing them to fall on the concrete.
"Suit yourself," he says before turning around with his things and walking off.

Okay, truth is, I need help. I have too much to carry. But help from him? Ha. Good joke.

I roll my eyes and lean down to grab the luggage he dropped.
"God dammit," I groan,  accidentally dropping my handbag.

The process of me grabbing everything was at least around ten minutes of stumbling over my own feet and re-adjusting my bags as I slowly trudged over.

God I wish I let him help me.

Once I made it up to the station, I quickly rolled my things along the ground until I made it to the train.

"Excuse me," I huff out of breath, "is this the train leaving at seven thirty?" The bags were slipping from my hands as I looked up to a man in his suit.

"I'm sorry m'am, that train left just a few minutes ago..."

My heart immediately stopped beating.
"W-Wait what?"

The man shrugged and showed me his wrist watch, "It's two minutes past the thirty..."
I groan and slap a hand to my head.
"Sir you don't understand, I'm shooting for a movie and if I arrive late I-"

"There's nothing we can do. The next train doesn't leave for a few hours."

Fuck. I feel my eyes slowly warming with tears and I step away from the man in the hat.
"Very sorry m'am."

Without giving him anymore attention, I turn around and slowly trudge back, once more tripping over my bags and wiping a couple tears. This cannot be happening. It just can't. The one thing I have been working for my whole life is gone. All because I didn't ask for-

"Still don't want help?"

I quickly jolt my head up, and see Louis. Leaning against the lamp post with his things.
"What are you doing Louis! Why aren't you on the train?"

I look down again and wipe my tears even more. No way in hell will he see me cry.
"Oh please, I knew you'd need a hand. I was watching you walk over here. Took you too long so I just decided to stay off the train."

What is this boy thinking! He paid for a ticket! And he spoiled it because he didn't want me to be late? Why?
"Louis your being dumb! We have to make it today! Otherwise we'll both look unprofessional and unprepared!"

He shrugs and reaches into the pocket of his joggers, pulling out some car keys.
"We'll make it. Now come on," he says, grabbing his luggage and turning around as he begins to walk away.

"Wait what? Where are we going?" I ask, trying to keep up with him.
"I drove my car to the station. Might as well drive it up to set. Now let's go. I'll drive us."

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a few days!! I've been busy with sports and in person school. Thank you for the patience!

𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 ~ ✰☽ 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora