"Hey we match!" She beamed up at him, hands in her jacket pockets. He looked down to see he too decided to wear his leather jacket today too.

"Y-yeah. Sorry did you want me to change?" He flustered already heading back to the car but she just grabbed his arm pulling him along.

"Kook, I didn't wake up before eight to not get front in line!" She laughed and pulled him along, "plus, doesn't it make us look like those matching couples?" She chuckled, eyes scrunching up adorably making his stomach do flips.

He cleared his throat, allowing her to drag him along, looking away he tried to hide his ever growing smile as they walked to the amusement park entrance. The two actually woke up really early to get here, it was the opening day to the new amusement park and only a limited amount of people either won tickets or got early access but to enjoy the park to its full extent, Hana really wanted to wake up early. Jungkook honestly didn't mind, that way he could avoid the teasing of his housemates who he knew he would have to face when he returned but seeing Hana smile so brightly and look so excited, it was more than worth it.

"What should we ride first?" She gazed down at the map but still clung onto his arm which he gladly allowed her to.

"Anything you want Hana. Today is your day." He sweetly smiled down at her.

"Then let's do this one first! Apparently it's super cool and popular, let's start with the best ones while the park is still pretty empty!" She excitedly said before skipping away, "come on slow poke!" She called after him laughing.

He pointed to himself, "me? Slow?" He scoffed.

"I'll race ya." She suddenly got competitive and he laughed, he couldn't hide the fact he enjoyed her playfulness.

"You're on, last one to the entrance buys ice cream." He states before dashing off.

"Hey!" She squealed and chased after him.

The two arrived at the ride entrance both panting. "Alright, bad idea." Hana attempted to catch her breath.

"It was your idea, it's literally what— half past eight in the morning?" He laughed between catching his breath. "The day has yet to begun."

"Exactly, and guess who owes me ice cream now." She stood triumphantly, mischievously smirking at him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully before reaching for her hand. "Alright miss marathon, now let's go the ride is waiting for us." He chuckled, surprisingly Hana seemed to always win when it came to races. Either she was super light and nimble or he was losing his touch but either way, he may have always let her win but he'd never tell her that.

Being with her was always so comfortable and effortless, the constantly holding of hands, or arms, the fact that they were so used to having their faces close together when looking at the map or things, the way that the two would immediately strike silly faces during the camera shots for rides only to laugh together at their own pictures at the end of the ride.

Hana was just as much of a thrill seeker as Jungkook, the two would ride the crazy rides over and over until they got bored and move onto the next. The two seemed always game for everything and Jungkook really felt like he met his match.

"I knew something was missing." Hana suddenly paused in her tracks, her eyes narrowed and thinking.

"And what would that be? That we didn't try all the different flavoured churros or—"

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