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Flynn's POV

I've always dreaded the first day of school. It seems like it just gets worse as the years go on. Today, I got stuck in the coffee shop line for forty minutes because a group of freshman girls couldn't decide how many pumps of foam they wanted in their drinks. I just rolled my eyes at them as they finally picked up their orders. I got a tall iced coffee because I'm hot enough already. I started sipping it in my way to class. I'm a college junior studying art history. Lots of people were against me studying art, but what can I say: like calls to like.

I walked down the long, narrow path to the arts building. I look in jealously to the fine artists and designers who can create beautiful forms of art. I only know how to determine art's value. My fine art skills only go far enough to make sloppy stick figures. When I get to my class, I find a seat in the back and slide my satchel off my shoulder. Inside of the bag are four notebooks, two textbooks, and a leather bound journal. It's kind of like Mary Poppins's bag.

The class started filling up until only one seat next to me was open. The professor was about to start class as Simone else walked in. He was tall, wearing a leather jacket that showed a hint of tattoos underneath. He had a fitted red button down shirt under the jacket he left four buttons undone, showing off the chiseled body underneath. I realized I was staring so I looked down and started fiddling with my notebook.

"Is this seat taken?" A deep, raspy voice said over my shoulder. I turned to see the new guy with his long, thin fingers resting on the chair next no me. He was close enough that I could see the veins in his hands and the brilliant, entrancing blue of his eyes. My mouth went dry as i took him in.

I cleared my throat. "No, you can sit." I tore my eyes away from the stranger and looked to my professor.

"So," the professor said, "that is why you'll need a partner for this assignment. Please pick your partners after class. I don't want the distraction. And don't come crying to me if you couldn't find a partner. It's not my problem. You can figure it out yourselves. You're all adults."

I looked around me, trying to find anyone I know in the class. I didn't recognize anyone. I didn't even know what the assignment was. The professor continued to drone on for the rest of the two hour block. Luckily, a girl had asked a question about the partner assignment so I knew what was going on. We had to all find a partner and be assigned a famous artist and study them. We would have to write an essay and do a presentation. Professor Barnum made it a partner project because there wasn't enough time for everyone to present individually. By the time he dismissed us, I was getting antsy. I couldn't wait to get back to my dorm, but I needed to find a partner first.

I looked around the room again. I still didn't know anybody. "Hey," a voice rasped beside me. "I don't really know anyone here and it looks like you don't, either. Do you want to be partners?"

"Uh, sure," I flushed. It didn't seem like I could form coherent thoughts around him. It was like all my self-confidence walked out the door as soon as he showed up. "Oh! I guess I should introduce myself then. I'm Flynn. Flynn Rider."

"That name sounds fake." He said bluntly. I chuckled nervously. "My name is Lightning McQueen."

"That name sounds fake." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Well, it's not," he said.

I just nodded and started walking towards the professor. Before leaving, each partnership would have to check with the professor and he would assign us an artist. "Mr. Rider, Mr. McQueen, your artist is Rapunzel."

"W-w-what?" I sputtered.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Rider?" Professor Barnum cut me a sharp look. Lightning was giving me the same look.

"No," I lied. "No. It's all good." It's not like I could say that Rapunzel is my ex girlfriend. We dated for a few months until she broke up with me out of the blue. Just kidding. I ain't no simp. I broke up with her. She was always hitting me with her frying pan.

"That's what I thought." I was beginning to dislike my professor. He seemed too stuck up.

Lightning and I stepped out of the building. "So, do you want my number so we can—" I stopped as soon as I realized he was already gone. A red sports car zoomed out of the parking lot. Huh.

The Fast Lane (Lightning McQueen x Flynn Rider)Where stories live. Discover now