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"Come on first-aid!" Bakugo's hands lit up as he charged at me with ambition.

"I'm going!" I growled, standing up from the ground with shaky legs. When he said he wasn't going easy on me... he meant it.

"You're giving up already?" He smirked, the air around us was black and smelled sweetly burnt.

"Hell no. First one on the ground starting now wins." I smirked back at him, regaining my balance and composure.

"You're on."

I whipped two thin blades from my belt and held them between my fingers, flinging them at Bakugo.

My first target was his arm; if I can damage his arm then he won't be able to use his quirk as well. My second target was his legs, same argument.

I took the utility belt from my hero costume and put it above my training clothes. Today, I was basically testing myself to see how far I've gotten. Uraraka, Deku, Kirishima, Mina, me and Bakugo all came to the gym after school to see how much better I've gotten.

I missed his leg, but his bicep was pierced with my knife. He hissed, ignoring it and charging for me. I dove out of the way, extending my leg so I could trip him and end the fight, but he knew better. Instead, he grabbed my ankle and swung me around.

I panicked, landing on my hands and knees after being flung two feet up in the air. He did not come to play. Damn.

I quickly got back up, flinging a knife at him without looking. I turned around to see the knife stuck in the wall and his bleeding lip.

"watch your aim, dumbass." He wiped the blood from his busted lip and began stomping towards me. I am so thankful he was able to dodge that. Wow that could've gone so wrong.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." I scrambled to my feet, approaching him with worry clear on my face.

He snorted, looking down at me with blood running down his chin and smeared on his cheek.

"I'm so-"

I was interrupted by a booming punch to my stomach, so hard it lifted me off my feet. The world around me spun, and I fell to my knees hunch over.

"You asshole." I coughed out, tears rimming my eyes.

"Who said we were done fighting?" He sat in front of me, his bloody arm extended over his bent knee.

"Next time I won't miss." I glared angrily at him, looking at the knife in the wall.

"Miya! Are you okay?" Deku ran up to me, offering me a bottle of water.

"I'm okay, thanks."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder to help me up off the floor, earning a look from Bakugo.

"She can handle herself, dork." He spat, shoving Deku's arm off my shoulder.

"Thank you, Midorya." I patted his shoulder, looking back at Bakugo with furrowed brows.

"Let me see your arm." I held out my hand to see Bakugo's bicep. I need to fix it now.

Hesitantly, he held out his arm and I approached it. I leant down to kiss his arm, the taste of blood remaining on my lips.

"Can I see your lip?"

With my fingers, I tilted up his chin to see if he had any other scratches.

It was just a big gash on his lip, easily fixable. I could do this.

"It'll heal on it's own. Leave it." He warned, pushing me away from him.

"No, it probably hurts. It'll only take a second." I insisted, looking over at Deku for help.

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