Chapter 10

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Jack... Who in the world did you kill? Okay all jokes aside, I love this picture so PROPS HUGEEEEE PROPS to the artist.

You and the boys went down into the dark, void of a staircase and I am sure that we can all agree; we need to know what happens. Cupid has been acting a little sus though. And Jack... Well, you know what? Nevermind!

In case you forgot it's your POV.


The New Lair

As we continued to descend down the stairs, our world got narrow. By the time the light couldn't reach us, we were so close that our shoulders touched. Well, Cupid and I's shoulders and Jack's sweater.

Eventually, it became so narrow we had to separate and go one in front of another. I had made a magical rope that connected us by the waist.

None of us had actually known what we were going to be greeted by. None of us had slipped what was waiting for us either. But Jack had to ruin our perfect silence. "You sure that you don't know what's down there, Cupid?"

I would have liked to see the look on Cupid's face, but it was so dark that it would have been pointless. "Jackson," I spoke warningly, and my voice stayed steady. Jack sighed in defeat.

Then, off in the distance of the staircase, a light appeared. It was faint and slight, but it was hope. It's the moment of truth! My wand was light in my hand. So light that I thought that I dropped it, I gripped it tightly just to check. Luckily it was.

The rope that tied us together faded away. Jack flew toward the light, but Cupid didn't follow. He continued to walk with me, he proceeded to whisper in my ear, "Stay very quiet."

My eyes widened, the strength in my legs disappeared, but I relaxed after a second. Cupid is just trying to 'protect' me. It will be alright. I have a plan, and I intend to follow it. I jumped down the remaining three steps.

I scanned the room for Jack; he was leaning on the wall next to the end of the stairs. I haven't seen Jack actually stand for like 2 hours! Lucky him for being able to fly whenever he wants! As I passed Jack, I grabbed his hand and began walking to the left of the -case.

Cupid's feet tapped the ground as he tried to catch up with the two of us. We only went around 30 feet before our path crossed with a wall. The room was very dark, but I had cast a spell to give myself night vision. I didn't tell Jack nor Cupid either.

As I gently touched the wall with my right hand, still holding Jack with my left, I whispered a short phrase to the wall. "My loyalty is to Pitch Black." The words burned my mouth, but there was no getting around saying the password.

I turned around to face the boys, "Don't scream." While it wasn't a shout, I didn't whisper either. It was a quiet phrase that I spoke between my clenched teeth.

The ground disappeared from our feet, and we all began to fall. I made sure to grab one of the boy's hands, so they didn't try to fly out. We all landed on our feet painlessly. Then, I began running again. This time I ran straight ahead. There was a faint yellow light at the end of the seemingly endless tunnel.

When we arrived at it, we stopped dead in our tracks. I could even hear Jack's drool dripping onto the floor.

With 20 feet high ceilings, the room still seemed small. Yet, it was an upgraded version of Pitch's original hideout. The floors and walls were the same color grey, but there was a giant black dust chandelier with bright golden lights. There was a couch with a TV, a desk, and even a bookshelf on one side of the room. While on the other side was Pitch's mini globe. But, even with it being a mini, it took up half of the room. And don't forget about the black dust cages hanging all over the ceiling at different lengths.

I focused back on the plan and looked around for any signs of Pitch.

That's when I noticed a thin and tall door behind the globe. I sprinted over to it and turned the handle. Jack and Cupid called after me, but I ignored them. The handle moved with ease. Before I could open it all the way, Cupid pried me off the door and then had Jack hold me back while Cupid blocks the door.

Jack's hand covered my mouth to block my cries. He then whispered kindly into my ear, "Please stop trying to get yourself kill for other people." My eyes widened subconsciously, and I felt a rock drop down my into my stomach.

Am I really planning on sacrificing myself just to save others? Was I really just about to do that? I stopped fighting Jack. Once relaxed in his arms, his grip loosened. When Cupid shifted toward the right just a little, I bolted. I cast a human transference spell. My body became see-through and able to walk through walls. I glided through the wall, snapping back to face the door and reverse the spell. Then, I locked the door with a spell.

Of course, I am going to give up my life for theirs! That's not debatable! The banging traveled through the door along with the pleas of the two boys.

I forced a fist. After lightly hitting the door, I spat out a couple of choked-up words, "Please, forgive me..."

The screams rang through my ears, but I chose to ignore them. I spun around with my [H/L] [H/C] whipping my face. I expected to see another endless staircase, but I was greeted by a long, dark, grey face.


~ Jack's POV ~

If [Y/N] heard me or not didn't matter. I just needed to get through the door. Even when I propelled all my strength into the door, it wouldn't even budge.


I've never seen Cupid so distraught in my entire spirit life. Although he is around a hundred years older than me, in spirit years.

Yet again, I shouldn't be one to talk. If he didn't scream before me, I would have done the same thing. We barreled ourselves into the door, again, with no success.

That's when we realized that we weren't going to get in. We backed up toward the couch behind us. I flew and sat on the top of the TV whole Cupid relaxed on the couch.

All hope was near lost, but then something from behind the door.

"AGHHHHHHH!" [Y/N] shot threw the door, threw the TV, past the couch, and ended on the globe. Her body crumpled and melted into a ball when she fell. She was shaking from head to toe and hardly had enough strength to complain about the pain.


That was certainly painful... Also I am so very very very sorry that this chapter looks so much shorter than the other ones!!!

I don't have much else to say so I suppose goodbye?

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