Chapter 2

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May we please appreciate this amazing artist for making this dark Frost. I am in love!!! Anyway let's continue as to not leave you on such a cliffhanger. If you forget what something means (which I don't know why you would) go back to the first chapter it explains there anything new I will add. Also, a reminder I don't own any of the character except Abby & Y/N the rest are completely dreamworks from ROTG if you haven't watched I highly recommend.


                                                                        The New Guardian                                                                                  

~ Your POV ~

My feet walked in the sky to prepare for landing. Once I completely landed, I kept walking to get used to being on the ground again. I looked around. Then, I decided where I would go.

I am gonna check on Jamie; the poor kid has been through so much.

I began walking down the street. The loud cars honking, people talking, children playing, and birds flying. It sounded like a playlist of sounds playing in a simultaneous. After making a couple turns and avoiding walking into people (as if I would bump into them), I finally arrived at Jamie's house.

When you arrive at a house, the right thing to do is knock, right? Well, when you are me, that isn't the case.

Jamie still didn't know I existed. So, knocking would be a waste of time, seeing as nobody would hear me. I walked right through the door and walked over to Jamie, who was sitting on the couch. I sat next to him and smiled, thinking back to simpler times.

After they took down Pitch, Jack offered to tell Jamie about me. But, I declined because I thought Jamie had been through too much. Now Jamie was 11 years old [I assume that Jamie was 8 in the movie] and I regret declining Jack's offer.

Jamie crossed his arms and sunk into the couch. "I wish Jack would stop working and just play with us!!!" His eyes glared at the unfrosted window. It was sunny and snowless outside, and I felt terrible.

Jack hadn't played with many kids since he became a Guardian because Jack thought he should show that he cared about work just a little more for a couple of years. But that meant Jamie was all alone...

I frowned and jumped up. I raised my hand and closed my eyes, "Jack Frost" I spun my hand counterclockwise in a circle.

Then everything around me went purple, then right back to color.

In front of me was the famous Jack Frost! He was facing the other way and looking at the ground. I smirked.

I tiptoed over right behind him and got really close to his ear. "BOO!" He screamed and fell flat on his face. I clutched my stomach and laughed hysterically. "You should have seen your face!!!'

"Haha," Jack glared at me, then his expression went back to his natural smirk, "Well, HELLO, MY BEST FRIEND EVER!"

He ran over and hugged me, lifting me off the ground. "Jack, it's been too long! I miss you!" Once he placed me on the ground, Jack frowned instantly. He tried to apologize, but I completely shut him down. "Please, it's alright. You've been working really hard!"

Jack rubbed his hair, "No... I really am sorry! It's not fair to, nobody should be alone..." He continued to rub his hair. "I know that all too well."

"Jack, if you keep rubbing your hair, you're gonna pull it all out!"

He quickly stopped and clutched his staff. "Well, I was about to go get you anyway! We kind of need you at the Pole."

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