Chapter 4

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Before we start with the story, might I say that this picture is amazing! I am so proud of the artists who make fanart. They really are amazing. Sadly I can't draw that well, but I can admire & share with others, other people's talents. Anyway let's continue on with Y/N's story.



~ Your POV ~

I should have waited and planned, but no, I was flooded with rage. Pitch was going to turn the children into nightmares! Would the children survive that? How would I be able to fight them without hurting them? I had more questions than my brain could handle.

Teleportation was undoubtedly the fastest way to get to Pitch. Yet, performing magic while enraged was too dangerous. Even for me.

The only way I could get to Pitch was on foot. It was going to take a very long time before I arrived, and that was if I even knew where I was going. Pitch had relocated several times over the past couple of years. Jack was the only one who always knew where Pitch was, but he would stop me if I asked him. I couldn't let anyone stop me.

I decided that Pitch would probably go to his original hideout. That was only because I knew how he thought. He probably would assume that nobody would check someone he had been before, except me. I knew that he wouldn't expect me to look for him!

I continued to walk as I thought about everything.

My mind first went to all the people I had met, Jack, Tooth, Kangaroo, Sandy, North, Cupid, and Pitch. Everyone meant something different to me, but yet I still truly cared for no one.

Tooth had my memories that I knew, but I didn't want them... Something was in them that I wouldn't want to know. I don't know how I knew that, but I did. I made an oath somewhere along the lines that I would never open my memories. My intention was to keep it.

Then, my mind went to the realization that I had no plan whatsoever! I was walking right into the only villain that I know of on the planet's lair! And I didn't even know how I was going to beat him, nor did I know what 'beat him' would entail.

But, I did know something. Something that makes up for how dumb I was being. Well, two things.

1. I knew his plan

2. And this doesn't make up for anything, but I knew I had to do this alone.

If I did this with help, Pitch would hurt them, and that scared me. I couldn't be frightened when fighting fear himself. Because that would mean he had the advantage.

I looked around to realize that I had arrived.

The hole in the ground reappeared, the hole that closed up when the nightmares swallowed Pitch into the floor. I looked down at it and sighed heavily. That is one bottomless hole. I grabbed a little pebble and dropped it into the hole that seemed to be an abyss.

After 10 seconds, there was a quiet *click.*

Then, I free fell into the darkness. I would like to say I landed on my feet, but I am not a cat, that is for sure. I landed right on my back and on hard rock, no less. OW! I bit my lip, so I didn't make any more noise. Quickly, I healed myself.

Once healed, I began to walk deeper into the hole. While I couldn't see anything, I wouldn't have enough magic to defeat Pitch if I performed another spell. So, I walked through the darkness till I came across a section of light.

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