Chapter 1.

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Y/n POV:

It was just an ordinary morning, I woke up from my and Diego's home cave just to find emptiness next to me. That's right, Diego has been doing this for a long time, getting up early in the morning and coming home in the evening and he hasn't been seen in between. Our relationship isn't been the best lately and were not that close anymore but I tried my best and be with him.

I got up and as I stepped out of our cave, the sun's rays hit my face and warmed my face comfortably. I went for a walk and to see if anything exciting would happen here. Diego is probably on the hunt so I don't want to disturb him, I could of course look for him and ask what's wrong with him but I don't know. Or maybe I could go see what Manny and Ellie are doing? See how Ellie is? I still can't believe they're having a baby!

After walking for a while, I noticed a familiar orange saber-toothed tiger walking in my direction so I thought it would be a good idea to scare him. (It was a bad idea.) So I sneaked behind the big rock that was in front of me and I started waiting for Diego to show up. I heard him mumble something to himself but I didn't get anything clear about him, so that was a sign that he was close. So I jumped on Diego and he fell to the ground and I was on top of him.

"Y/n, what are you-" Diego started but I interrupted him by laughing and shouting,
"Surprise!... Yay..." I ended up saying' yay 'in a small innocent voice and kissed Diego on the cheek and got up, so did he.

"Why did you do that?" He asked. Umm, what?

"Because it was fun and because I have nothing else to do because you've been avoiding me all day, again." I said politically.

"Pouring another on the ground isn't funny, and so what, you probably know that even though we're together doesn't mean we have to be side by side all the time." He said and rolled his eyes and went for a walk away from me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked mumbling behind him.

"Wha-, nothing, everything is fine." He said stopping and he looked at me for a little while and then he shook his head.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." He answered.

"Positive? For I do not believe-"
"Oh for sabers sake Y/n! Everything is fine!" Diego shouted at me. Shouted... he never shouts... at least not to me...

"Okay, I get it, but you don't have to raise your voice at me!" I already told him a little angry.

"Maybe I'm shouting so it would go to your little skull!" He shouted back.

"So now, I am the problem?" I asked, but I didn't expect an answer but that's where it came,

"Yes! You are! It's really, really annoying when you're asking all the time what I do or why I don't wanna be around you! I can't be with you all the time because I need time for myself too! You don't even give me room to breathe so that's why I want to take a break from all this!" Diego shouted and now turned all the way around to look at me. And I would be lying if I said those words didn't hurt.

"Well maybe you should leave! You no longer need to be with me and I would no longer be slowing you down!" I shouted back and the response I got broke my heart.

"You know what? Perhaps for the first time ever, I agree with you." Diego said back coldly and turned around.

"Good!" I shouted and turned around, I felt tears coming into my eyes but I couldn't cry now, now is not the time.
"Diego, you remember when I said 'I love you now and always'? Well, forget it, because I think this is over." I continued and Diego was quiet for a moment.

[Ice Age] Diego x Reader Book 3.Where stories live. Discover now