Chapter 6

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Warning: Some more foul language used. And some sappiness.


However, when he turned to look at Fuki, everything seemed to slow down. (And no, not in a romantic way, that's disgusting.) Shikamaru watched as she slowly pulled a bowling ball(?) out of her backpack and her mouth opened wide to scream, "YOU FUCKING BI-"

Suddenly, he saw a book stopper hurtle right at her head and time sped up again. The book stopper, which seemed to be the metal kind, collided with her head at a great impact and knocked her off the table. Shikamaru slowly turned around, dreading whatever monster just threw the book stopper at Fuki with such high accuracy. Fuki also somehow managed to recover and stood up, swiveling her head around to look for the stopper's source.

Sakura was breathing heavily, carrying another metal book stopper in one hand and a fat biology textbook in the other. She slowly lifted the hand with the textbook straight at Fuki and looked her dead in the eye.

"Try calling Ino a bitch again, I fucking dare you."

Fuki seemed to try to open her mouth to retort, but a bit of blood dripped out of her mouth and fell to the ground along with something small. Shikamaru looked closer. A tooth. Great.

A couple of the program members who were sitting at nearby tables started snickering. Shikamaru grimaced in response, he had forgotten everyone else in the library had been watching; they'd be VERY lucky if they got away this.

Fuki seemed ready to burst into tears as she stared at the tooth now lying in a puddle of blood (disgusting). "M-my dream of becoming a sexy roller skater...." she whispered, her voice trembling. Shikamaru sweatdropped. That was her concern? Girls have such weird priorities.

Sakura (who he had almost forgotten about, too) marched up to their table and slammed both the textbook and book stopper on the table. "Hey Fuki," she chirped in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Let's go have a talk with Asuma-sensei, shall we?" She grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and started dragging her towards the little office in the back of the library where Asuma-sensei was. Shikamaru was starting to wonder if it would be better if Asuma-sensei didn't work in there during the program hours, this whole troublesome mess could've been avoided if he had been there to intervene.

He scratched the back of his head and let out a dejected sigh. Might as well go along with Sakura in case he could try to lessen whatever their punishment ended up being.

"Hey, this shirt was from Hot Topic, and it costed me $50!!" he heard Fuki screech at Sakura ahead of him.

"Oh really," Sakura smiled at her with the scariest fake smile he had ever seen. "Well, I don't care where your shirt came from, and let's use grammar correctly from now on, okay? Unless you don't mind losing another tooth today? Maybe if I knock out all of your teeth, the Tooth Fairy will give you enough money to buy you a new one."

Fuki shut up promptly. Shikamaru was pretty sure he just wet his pants. "Uhhhh Sakura?" he asked weakly.


"Were... you and Ino always this scary when you got.... y'know.... uhhh angry..?" She turned to look at him and raised her eyebrow at him as if to say, Are you stupid?

"No, but this is more than a matter of anger, this is about Ino being my best friend and me being her best friend, shannaroo!" She made a fist with her free hand to emphasize her point.

"O-oh okay, that's nice," he answered blandly. He made sure to take a few steps away from Sakura. Just in case.

When they finally reached the little office, they could see Asuma-sensei and Ino arguing. It was a good thing the school had installed soundproof walls for the office last year, otherwise the whole campus would have probably heard them by now.

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