Go Big Or Go Home

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We sprint down the hall when Janson starts firing. We make it into a room just in time, when Thomas falls to the ground.

"Tommy?" I ask, turning around. "TOMMY!"

I prop him up against a counter. 

"It's alright." I say hurriedly, looking for some sort of bandage. "You'll be fine. It's okay." I am reassuring myself more than him at this. 

He groans. I find some gauze. 

"Lift your shirt." I command. 

He does and I press the gauze against his wound. 

"AH!" He says, biting his lip. 

I brush his hair out of his face. "It's alright. You're okay. You'll be okay."

"I admit, Teresa, you had me fooled." We hear.

"Shit." I mutter. "Come here." 

I throw his arm over my shoulder and help him into a corner farther away from him. He moans. 

"I know." I whisper. "I know, but you have to be quiet."

I grab his hand and he squeezes it like a life-line.

"I thought we were friends. Maybe it's just in your nature to betray the people closest to you. Come on. Let's not prolong this. We both know there's no way outta here. Let's not make this any more painful than it needs to be. I think you have something of mine." 

Teresa stands shakily and holds up the syringe. 

 "Not that. Where is he?" Janson asks, pointing the gun at her face. 

"Just take it. Leave him alone." She says, hands in the air. 

"What is it with you two? You think he's so special? He's a lab rat. He was born with a gift. He never had to fight for it, he never earned it. He doesn't deserve it." Janson spits. 

"Maybe." Teresa nods. "But it's his."

"What about you, Thomas?" Janson asks "What do you have to say? Don't you have enough blood on your hands already? You might not have been able to shoot her. But I can. Okay. Fine. Have it your way."

Thomas stands, biting his lip and grabs something.

"Tommy, no..." I caution.

"Janson." He says. 

He throws it and it hits the glass of a room with Cranks.

"Missed, you little shit." Janson hisses.

"Did I?" Thomas asks roughly.

"Oh, shit." Janson says and Cranks start to devour him.

"Come on. We need to go." I say, wrapping my arm around Thomas.

We scramble out onto the roof. We look for a way out.

"Shit." Teresa says. 

We try to go back but the door explodes. 

"No." I whisper. "No!" I say louder. "We survived this long. We can't die now!" 

Thomas drops to ground, clutching his wound. 

"Newt..." He breathes. 

"Tommy." I say, dropping to my knees beside him. I run my hands through his hair. "You'll be fine. We'll be fine." Tears start to run down my face. "We'll make it to the Safe Haven." I press my forehead against his. "And we'll be happy, Tommy. No need to worry about Cranks or Grievers or WICKED. Please, Tommy, you have to live. I love you." Thomas kisses me. His lips are way too warm. "I love you. I love you so much." I sob.

Then, the Berg arrives. 

"TOMMY!" I shout. "Get up!" 

I try to help him to the ship but he falls. Teresa runs over. 

"Get on." She tells me. "I got him."

I give her a look but do as she says. For some inexplicable reason, I trust her. I grab Minho's hand and he pulls me up. Teresa helps Thomas and he jumps. I pull him close to me. 

"Teresa, come on!" I say, holding my hand out for her, though I really don't want to.

But the building collapses in a fiery explosion and she's gone. 

Thomas looks out after her, tears running down his face. 

"Tommy, Tommy, we're safe!" I say. "You'll be fine, Tommy." I put my hands on his cheeks, trying to keep him conscious.  

And he blacks out. 

A day later, I sit in the infirmary of sorts with Thomas, who's still unconscious. I hold his hand in both of mine. I haven't left his side since we got here, not even to eat. Someone, a woman, walks over to me.

"Show me your arm." She says.

They've been doing this. Making sure my sickness is really gone. I unlock my hand from Thomas's and she pulls back the sleeve. I shiver as the air hits my skin.

"Flare free!" She proclaims, clapping me on the back. 

I tear my eyes off of Thomas. "I know." I say. "Tommy saved me. You don't have to keep checking." 

She looks at me. "Why don't you come eat?"

"Not. Until. Tommy. Wakes. Up." I say for what feels like the thousandth time. 

The woman looks at me again, though it's clear I won't move so she leaves.

"Tommy, please wake up." I whisper. "These people are driving me insane."

Then, as if on cue, his eyes flutter open.

"TOMMY!" I cry, throwing my arms around him. 

He laughs and then groans. I get off of him. 

"Sorry." I mutter. 

He sits up. "Don't be. I missed you too."

He scoots over so I can sit next to him. I rest my head on his shoulder. 

"We'll be okay now." I say. "We'll be fine. We'll live here forever."

"I guess we got a happily ever after." He says, kissing the top of my head. "Come on. We should go."

I groan. "Why?" 

He laughs again. God, I missed that sound. I kiss him. 

"I missed you." I say. "When you were passed out."

"It was only a few hours, Newt." He says, chuckling.

"Yeah," I say. "A few hours in which I didn't get to do this." I kiss him again.

He chuckles. "Yeah, I know. I missed you too."

"I'm sorry." I say. "About Teresa."

He shakes his head. "No. No, she betrayed us."

"But she saved you." I say. "And by extent, me."

He smiles at me warmly. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smile back. "Neither do I, Tommy." 

He kisses my cheek. "Now, take me to see the others."

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