"Arlene? Knock-knock." I say and when I walk in I see her happy face 

"Megs is that you?" she asks and I smile 

"Yeah, I didn't wanna sneak up on you. I brought Jessica with. What's going on here?" I ask and she smiles 

"Well, the way I see it, business sucks right now... nut it ain't ever gonna pick up unless we open up. So I decided that starting tonight, we're just gonna show up for work anyhow...then just wait it out till the customers start coming back. But in the meantime... party's gonna have to be just for us, y'all. So can I get you something to drink?" she says and I shake my head 

"No, thanks. Not right now. Sam's gone." I whisper finally blurting it out "Can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask turning to Andy and he nods before we close the door and we're in private 

"What's going on?" he asks and I smile 

"He left us each a letter. I found them in his trailer. Mine was pretty heavy, so I figured... you might not wanna read it in front of a whole bunch of people." I whisper 

"Yeah, yeah, this is probably more appropriate... considering the circumstances. Thank you." he says as I hand him the note 

"Do you want to be alone?" I ask  

"No, sweetheart. You can stay." he says before he begins reading out his note  "Dear Sheriff Bellefleur, I resign. Sincerely, Sam Merlotte." Andy says and I laugh 

"That's it?  So the whole closed-door thing?" I ask and he sighs 

"Completely unnecessary." he says and I smirk when we finally walk out Arleene has prepared dinner and I smile as I look at all my friends sitting in one place. As I walked out the bar that night I was holding arms with Lafayette laughing as we skipped 

"Megs?" I hear a voice say and I stop in my tracks looking up and seeing Eric in the shadows 

"Eric?" I whisper 

"Can we talk?" he asks and I turn to smile at Lafayette 

"It's okay. You guys can go." I say and I watch as they leave before Eric and I sit down 

"I went to Bill's tonight." he says and I sit back in shock 

"You did?" I ask 

"You seem surprised." he says and I smile 

" I just didn't know you cared, is all." I whisper 

"Well, I care about very few people in this world. A small handful of vampires...and you." Eric whispers as he holds my hand in his as we sit across from each other 

"What did he say? Did he give you a reason why? Did he say anything other than "because"? Because I swear to God, talking to him tonight was like talking to a suicidal toddler. Yeah, not anymore." I say shaking my head 

"He knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it.
You should talk to him." Eric states and I laugh 

"No." I hiss 

"No?" Eric asks tilting his head 

"Fuck him if he wants to die." I growl and Eric smiles softly 

"Well, who's being a toddler now?" he says and I feel a wave of emotions hit me 

"I'm scared." I whisper and he nods 

"Death is scary. I've been avoiding it for a thousand years." he responds 

"How much time do you think he has left?" I ask and Eric sighs 

"I don't know. But he would like to call on you tonight." Eric whispers 

"What's he gonna say?" I ask 

"That he's doing this for you." Eric states and I shake my head in disbelief 

"That's absurd." I cry 

"No. Not when you hear it from him." Eric says as he gets up from his seat and holds out my hand to his which I take and he quickly pulls me in to give me a kiss 

"Can I give you a lift home?" he asks and I laugh 

"You don't have a car." I whisper which makes him smirk 

"I'm aware." he says as he shoots up and we're in the air 

"Thanks for the lift. I've never seen Bon Temps from above like that." I say as we reach the floor  

"Your phone's ringing. It'll be Bill." Eric responds and I smile before walking towards the house but I stop in my tracks to turn and look at Eric who's looking at me as well 

"You can come inside if you want." I whisper and i know what I'm doing. I'm trying to keep my safety blanket there and I know I don't want to see Bill like this along but Eric just smiles as if he's able to read my mind 

"Good night, Ms. Stackhouse." he whispers and I sigh before walking into my house and pick up the phone 

"Hello?" I ask  

"Did you speak to Eric?" Bills voice says through the phone 

"He just dropped me off, actually." I say 

"May I call on you?" Bill asks 

"Would it be better if I came to you?" I respond 

"No, no. I'm on my way." Bill says before hanging up the home. 

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