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"Alcide." I cry as I see Alcide being dragged but I hear racket and when I run further I feel myself smack into something hard and I see Russel standing before me 

"You're just what the doctor ordered... my sweet little angel" Russel cries as he trys to bit me but I feel the voices push him back and he flies across the room and starts laughing 

"Yeah, there is that aspect of you which I loathe. It seems you have learned how to summon them but you still aren't a full angel yet are you?" Russel snickers but before I can move towards him I see Eric grab him by the throat 

"Look at me. I want to be the last thing you ever see." Eric growls but Bill runs up and stops him 

"He dies, we die. Most certainly. But if we take him back alive, maybe we don't have to die. Maybe you're ready to die. Maybe you're just bored
after a thousand years. But you do not make that decision for me." Bill cries and I watch as Eric moves away 

"Freeze." a group of vampire say holding up guns to Russel and I realise they must be the authority as the voices disappear around me hiding. I watch as the guards force Russel up but he turns back to growl at them 

"You better hope you are not around when I am fully restored. And, oh, I will be. Authority. What fucking authority do you have? Given to you by what, Lilith? You idiots. You're no better than humans with your absurd magical thinking. There is no Lilith." Russel cries at the soldier but I watch as he quickly gets punched in the nose 

"That is blasphemy." the soldier says 

"You're fucking worse than human. You might as well be praying
 on leprechauns or unicorns... or the motherfucking Kardashians.
That makes just as much sense." Russel cries from the hallway they drag him down and I turn to see Alcide walk into the room sighing as he looks down at some of the dead werewolfs 

"Wolf and human are here. Why?" the soldier asks looking at me 

"We found them parked in a van outside of Shreveport. Humping each other like livestock. And we took the van to get here with them in it." Eric states and I gasp at the accusation 

"You could cover that much distance by yourselves much faster than by driving." the soldier says looking up at them with suspicion 

"We had another human with us that we needed... because he'd remembered coming here before. Doug." Bill states but the soldier walks up to me and brushes my cheek and I hear Eric take a step forward 

"They know too much." the soldier states 

"Nothing that a little glamouring won't take care of." Bill whispers 

"Do it." the soldier replies and I watch as Bill comes over to me and starts pretending to glamour me and I try to look as dead as possible. As Alcide and I get back to the truck I start crying 

"Why you crying? Where the fuck are we? How did we get here?" Alcide says confused and I just shake my head sobbing. When we get home that night i quickly fall asleep and wake up before I know it. I sit down at the table as I see Alcide walk down the stairs 

"Morning." Alcide says and I give him a small smile 

"Coffee and Advil's over there. You want something to eat, you're gonna need to make it yourself." I say and I watch as he looks at me confused before walking towards the cabinet and sighing  

"You okay?" he asks 

"No.Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I was okay. Totally okay." I whisper and he sighs 

"Anything you need?" he asks and I nod 

"A fucking normal life. I want to forget about any of this and just focus on me and the voices. I'm a fucking shit angel and I don't know how to use my powers. I just kind of move things with my mind. That ain' t right" I say and he nods before touching my head in pain 

"Wow, we, um-- Drank a lot last night, huh?" Alcide states and I smile 

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