Turn! Turn! Turn!

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"Somebody please help us!" I scream but when I look up I see Lafayette run through the room 

"Fuck,no! Tara, don't fucking do this to me!" Lafayette cries as he kneels down next to me to help cradle her 

"Debbie tried to kill me, and she jumped in the middle." I cry feeling tears roll down my face 

"Eric? We need to talk." I hear Pams voice echo through the house and when she appears in front of us she smiles at the mess around us  

"If you have any decency left in you at all... .you would let us be. Goddamn it, Pam. Please." I cry when I see her looking around hesitantly 

"Fine. You see him, tell him... Tell him I'm sorry." she says before turning around 

"Turn her for us." Lafayette cries and Pam spins around 

"Turn her? I don't even like her." Pam says laughing "I can't be the only one who's noticed she's missing half her head, now can I Even if I tried, what's to say she won't rise up... out of the ground tomorrow night completely and utterly fuck-tarded?"

"You have to try." I cry but she just laughs "I'll owe you one." I whisper 

"One what?" she asks suddenly intrigued 

"I made Eric's spell go away. What if I could do that for you?" I cry 

"My spell died when Marnie died. What else you got?" she says 

"If you can use your magic hands or your super-snatch... whatever power it is you have over Eric to fix what's broken between us... and you'll still owe me one... you've got a deal." Pam says 

"Fine. Just do it." I cry out and I watch as Pam looks pleased and kneels down before bitting her wrist and letting the blood drip into Taras mouth. Later we head outside to where Pam starts digging what looks like a grave 

"Bring me the girl." Pam says bored and I watch as Pam lays down in the whole Lafayette and I quickly drag Taras lifeless body into the hole with Pam and watch as they both lay next to each other 

"Aren't you supposed to hold her?" I ask biting my nails 

"Back off, all right? I've done this before." she says 

"Well, thank the fucking Lord for that." Laf whispers to himself 

"That's not to say it ended especially well." she says  

"We had a deal. This ain't gonna work if you don't try." I cry and she laughs 

"I am wearing a Walmart sweat suit for y'all. If that's not a demonstration of team spirit, I don't know what is. Okay. Bury us." she says and I watch as Lafayette holds out a shovel to me and we start piling dirt on top of them. When they're finally covered we head back inside and I start cleaning up Debbies body 

"Hey, how you holding up?" I whisper as I see Laf sitting down at the table as I continue my scrubbing 

 "I ain't." he replies 

"Oh, sweet fucking Jesus. Look, if you can't do this right now, I'll understand. You've been through way more than any one person can take." I start but he interrupts 

"Meg, I'm the last motherfucker on the planet to trust the police... but why don't you just tell them it was self-defense?Shit, you're a white girl. They gonna believe you." he cries and I sigh 

"It wasn't self-defense. You know how they say in the heat of the moment... that people don't have time to think?  Well, I did. I thought, "You don't have to do this. You've got her stuck in the air You could call the police, or Jason, and they'd lock her away forever." but then I just felt the need to break her.  I wanted to kill her. Does that sound like self-defense to you?" I cry and I watch as he nods slowly 

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