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Me:hello, what's your name?

Black guy: syeve.

Me: ok...that's normal...what fandom?


Me:it had to get weird at some point right? *sigh* so how's life?

Steve:it sucks. You know what it's like to only wear blue?! Everyday!!!!

Me: well I always wear black so...

Steve: It's not the same!!!! That's by choice! I hate mine craft and video games in genral!

Me: you take that back!

Steve:never! Sports will rule the world!

Me: then go play a sports game!

Steve: they have those?

Me:no. It's only like the most popular genre. I hat it but, eh I'll play football every once in a while.

Steve: I'm gonna go... not to games top or anything...heh heh.

*Steve runs out of the room*

Me: bye?

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