tiny box Tim

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Me: hello, and what is your name?

Boy with blue eyes and light brown hair: Tim.

Me: well that seems normal.

TIM: well my full name is Tiny Box Tim Warpstache Jones.

Me: of course it is.

Tim:markiplier sucks.

Me: actully...I'm kinda a fan...

Tim: what?!

Me: well yeah...and besides your his little biscuit!*smiles*

Tim: how dare you! This isn't a support group at all!

Me: haha so you figured it out...I have really been sent here from the past, the year 2015, to collect the fangirl and fanguy offspring to end the Line forever!

Tim: huh?! Why would you do such a thing?!

Me: because I'm a crazed butt stabber!

Tim: ok I see now, you just wanted to make a joke.


Tim: frick you.

Me: That's a lot of bad launguage from such a cute little box!

Tim:*bites my finger*

Me: ow bad! Now your bannished.

Tim: what?


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