"W-what?" I ask, palms now sweating. I study his face. His curls in his face, but I can still see his green eyes. He's dead serious.

"I said stay the night," he repeats himself, louder this time.

"Shh, don't say that so loud," I whisper, pulling him closer.

"Please?" His husky voice whispers sending chills down my spine. "I want you, Nadia. All of you," he says licking his lips. My heartbeat increases and suddenly I'm afraid of passing out.

"O-okay," I stutter like a nervous wreck. Jackson smirks and raises my hand to his lips. His soft lips press against the back of my hand as he leaves a very wet kiss. My jaw drops and his emerald eyes hazily stare into mine.
"He's watching you like a hawk," Abby says gesturing to Jackson. Jackson at the jock table.

"It's hot though," Emma says wiping the drool off her face.

"I told him to just talk with his friends, but he's only said a couple of words," I say sighing.

"He just wants to be around you Nad," Abby says smirking at me.

"I don't know about that," I say blushing and avoiding their eye contact. "Maybe something is on my face," I say wiping at my cheeks.

"There's nothing on your face," Emma giggles. After a minute of us laughing Emma breaks the silence. "So have you guys done it yet?" She asks smirking.

My face immediately reddens. "N-no, not yet," I stutter out. Abby's brows raise in surprise.

"Just make sure that you're ready for that Nad," Emma says rubbing my arm. My palms become sweaty in remembrance of Aurelio. My stomach swirls as I suddenly feel the urge to throw up.

"Don't think about it Nadia, he's gone," Abby says passing me her carrots but I have no interest in eating anymore. "You know what we need? A girls' night," Abby says her big eyes becoming smaller because of her smile.

"Next weekend at Nadia's mansion," Emma suggests.

"O-okay," I nod still feeling nauseous.

My eyes wander to Jackson who's already looking at me. My uneasiness disappears and I feel a sense of comfort. A shoots a wink at me and I roll my eyes smiling.
The weekend comes fast and I pack a bag to go to Jackson's. I feel anxious but happy that I get to see Jackson. I saw him earlier, but I already miss him.

I throw in my best-looking undergarments, shorts, and a t-shirt into my bag for pajamas. I fix my hair and change my outfit into a crop top and jeans.

The humming of a car stops in front of my house and I recognize it as Jackson's. After a few squirts of perfume, I grab my bag and skip down the stairs.

When I get to the door Jackson is standing on the other side. I stifle myself from grinning like an idiot. I missed Jackson a lot and I'm glad he's back.

When I swing the door open I notice a van pull into the driveway. In particular mom's minivan. My jaw clicks and a scowl forms on my face.

I told Jackson over the phone that nothing was happening while he was gone. But I lied. Kim told my mom that I was hanging around with Jackson. Kim said Jackson drank, does drugs, and has sex with girl after girl. And of course, my mom told me to stop hanging out with Jackson.

When the rolling minivan comes to a stop I protectively step in front of Jackson like a bodyguard. "Who's that blondie?" Jackson asks from behind me.

"My mom," I swallow hard as she jumps out of the van like a skydiver. Her blonde hair whirls in the wind as she stomps towards us. My body goes stiff preparing for her outburst.

"What the hell Nadia? Didn't I tell you to stay away from that boy?" She shouts and I can see smoke pouring out of her ears. My tongue is dry and I can't seem to find words to defend myself. Mom gets closer and her right-hand cuts through the air, but before it can make contact with my cheek Jackson's strong hand catches hers.

"Don't touch her," Jackson growls lowly.

"She's my daughter!" Mom screams back. I stand like a statue, afraid to move.

"I don't give a fuck if she's your daughter. You don't touch her," Jackson says louder this time.

"Nadia you have five seconds to get into my car or you're grounded," mom says pulling her wrist out of Jackson's grip.

"I-I'm not," I stutter.

"Not what? Are you stupid?" She laughs in my face. Jackson pulls me by my shoulder until my back is against his chest.

"I'm n-not going with you," I say furrowing my brows. "And I'm not stupid. Jackson isn't what Kim made him out to be!" I shout back my face close to hers. A burning sensation erupts onto my face. She slapped me.

I'm immediately ripped away from her and pulled towards Jackson's red Volvo. I'm not shocked that she slapped me. I'm not hurt about her getting physical with me. I'm hurt that she won't listen to me. She won't listen to the reasons that I love Jackson for.

I'm shoved into the passenger seat and Jackson shuts the door. Muffled yells from mom fill my ears. Curse words being thrown at Jackson. My hand grips onto my bag strap. Jackson jumps into the driver's seat and instantly puts the car into reverse. I watch mom angrily tell me to get out of the car. But all I do is stare back with my furious eyes.

When we get down the road I finally release my breath. My head is nearly beating out of my chest. "Blondie, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Jackson says turning to me. His green eyes were consumed with worry.

"Y-yeah," I stutter looking into the side mirror. A red handprint marks my pale cheek.

Jackson grabs my chin and examines my cheek. "Shit Nadia," he curses and steps on the gas.

We make it to Jackson's house in no time. I'm escorted inside by Jackson. "Do you want ice? A drink? Anything?" He asks when we enter the kitchen.

"What's going on?" Jackson's mom asks walking around the counter. Her dark hair is swept out of her face and I realize how similar Jackson and her look.

"Her mom hit her," Jackson says and I scowl at him.

But before I can say explain, she speaks. "Oh no, are you alright? Do you need anything?" She asks examining my face as well.

"N-no thank you," I decline politely. She nods understandingly and backs off.

"C'mon Blondie," Jackson says grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs. When we reach his room I throw my arms around his waist. He hesitates for a second then wraps his arms around my shoulders.

I'll do anything to protect Jackson. He's not what people say he is. Not even how he portrays himself. Nobody can see him through my eyes.

And what I see is special...

Thank you for reading! Just hit 1k reads. I know it's not a lot but it means a lot to me. I've put a lot of work into this and love all the characters. I sincerely hope you enjoy the book so far.💓

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